Big Blue Photo Gallery

In 1997, the Morgan factory made a return to racing, in FIA GT competition. Competing against the Mercedes, Porches, Vipers & other factory teams was "Big Blue", at Sebring & Leguna Seca in the US. This page is a tribute to the Morgan on a budget that went to play with the big boys of motor sport.

Updated: May 21/98

Click on a photo to see the larger version 

Photo courtesy of Tim Cottingham.

Courtesy of Malcolm Cracknell of Sports Car World. Used with permission & provided by David McCrossan.

Courtesy of Malcolm Cracknell of Sports Car World. Used with permission & provided by David McCrossan.

Courtesy of Malcolm Cracknell of Sports Car World. Used with permission & provided by David McCrossan.

Courtesy of Malcolm Cracknell of Sports Car World. Used with permission & provided by David McCrossan.

Courtesy of Malcolm Cracknell of Sports Car World. Used with permission & provided by David McCrossan.

Big Blue commemorative poster. Available from Cantab Motors.  (16K)

Big Blue at Sebring. Courtesy of David Rees-Potter.  (18K)

Big Blue at the Sebring pit. Courtesy of Malcolm Cracknell of Sports Car World. Used with permission & provided by David McCrossan. (16K)

  Maintenance time. Courtesy of David Rees-Potter. (18K)

   From Tony McLaughlin's  "Morganville" Website.  (74K)




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