This is the cars good side.  This is shortly after I brought it home.  You guys will hate
me, but this is the way it will stay for the first year.  Rather go fast the look good. 
This is the start of Winter Ride Racing.

This is the not so good side.  This is the reason I picked the car up cheap.  It is an easy fix.

The new quarter is hung and the chassis is under it.  Those are the slicks I am using.

This is a front shot with the cage in.  It is a S&W kit with engine compartment added.

My new office.  Just the important items installed.  I have a couple more switches and guages to install. 

How to install a 9" in a T-Bird.  Plenty of room for growth in tires.  About ready to tin. 

Tin work is almost done.  Comeing along nicely.  After the tin work is completed, I can paint it and install the Lexan windows. 

This is the way it looks as of 3-15-00.  Looking  good.  This is the way it will look the first few times down the track.  Like the scoop.  That is the template for the new scoop. 

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