<bgsound src="midis/blessusa.mid" autostart="true">
    Thank You for Entering my 'UNSUNG HEROES' site.

    You might not agree with my selections or my views, but that is the one thing that we as Americans can still do 'Give our Opinions'.

    Our Flag

    Whenever we look around this great country of ours, we must constantly remind ourselves that freedom and the American way of life is not free.
    It has been bought, maintained, and forever guarded by the vigilance of those who serve both here and abroad. Not by just those in the military, but also by those who protect our lives and families from the ravages of fire, the thief in the night, and those who insure we receive prompt emergency medical care. It is with these thoughts in mind that I created these pages.

    I would appreciate your taking the time to move forward and visiting some of my sites. Thanks for Visiting!


    MIA...23 April 1970


    Received March 15, 2001
    I am honored, Thanks


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