*What is the Devil?
--"But most of all.... "The Prince of Darkness is a gentleman." - Edmund the Bastard,
King Lear
--concepts of Satan (research all the names listed in TSB- specifically the Miltonian devil and Lucifer)
--it would be best to read through The Devil's Notebook before tackling this essay
*What is God?
--"The god of the cannibals will be a cannibal, of the crusaders a crusader, of the merchants a merchant." -
Ralph Waldo Emerson
--research Ralph Waldo Emerson
--cite personaity traits as defined by the Bible- specifically the old testament
--discuss Wiccan concept of dieties, then move on to 'externalization of the Dios'
*Explain how Satanism functions in society (read: "real life")
*A bit about the author: Anton LaVey

   "Dr. LaVey was misanthropic nearly to a fanatic extent. Believing that humans were generally a selfish and masochistic lot, and that many of the institutions of human civilization were founded to hide these

*A bit about the church: The Church of Satan
--rules: no one under 18
   --do not have to have a membership card to be a Satanist
--official setup: who's what (High Priest, Lex Talionis, etc. - cite Give credentials and background for each.)
*Author's credits: who is Mr. Pixley?
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