Ms Fledermaus

Welcome to FlederMansion, my personal gallery of fun and strange art objects!
Please have a look at my photo page! It has pictures of the contemporary-art polymer clay dolls I make. This is not really a commercial page yet, just a small personal gallery with fun links. Eventually this site will be bigger, but for now play with the links and enjoy yourself...

Fun Facts About Ms Fledermaus:

She is an artist who makes dolls, dioramas, cards, paintings, odd pendants, zines, (Goth-Mart) and strange doodles on her breaks...
She works at a nonprofit museum in Minneapolis.
She posts regularly on Livejournal and Anarchy, the Anacam BBS, also under the name of Ms Fledermaus.
Ms Fledermaus was a family nickname, not actually based on Die Fledermaus, the opera.
But she likes it.
She has a glitter and bath goop fixation she can't shake.
She has been influenced by animism, magic realism, and lots and lots of anime
She has done the occasional puppet-show involving marshmallow peeps.
Please keep checking in on my site as it grows up from it's humble roots, and let me know what you think at the address below.

The curious Ms Fledermaus, up close and personal.

Fun places to play

My livejournal
Photos of me & my work
More Fun Facts
Dame Darcy

More things about me

Name: Michelle Layland
Email: [email protected]

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