What is Fairy Bread?

That is the question which plagues the lips of the millions of non-Australian's for years. Well it is simple to grasp as there is nothing to really grasp, I mean if you know what bread, margarine(or butter) and 100's and 1000's(sprinkles) are then you know what Fairy Bread is. But for anyone who still can grasp the simple concept which is know as Fairy Bread let me try and explain it to you. Ok you have the bread and then you take the margarine or butter which ever you prefer, and spread the bread. Then you take you hundreds and thousands or multi-coloured sprinkles and cover the margarine portion of the bread with the hundreds and thousands and then you cut the bread into triangles, and then you have fairy bread.
If you still haven't got the idea of what fairy bread is then forget it, forget I even mentioned it, just leave this site right now and find something a little more simpler to grasp. Maybe the ABC's is for you.

For people who are not convinced that fairy bread is the most tastiest food they have ever heard of or had then read some of the following responses of what of people think of this great Australia food, matter a fact it should be its own food group, so that would be chocolate, pizza, coke, and Fairy bread. So there are 4 food groups in my living away from home food groups. Ok now here are some responses of what people think of fairy bread, or what come to mind when they think of it:-

"mmmmmmmmmm, yummy..." From Ryan Spencer

"Wicked..." From Adam Raeck


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