I hate them and I am working on getting them off of this site. I'm sorry about them making the pages so slow to load.
MORE coming soon

Spanky's World

The new place on the web
This site was updated March 4th, 2002

This site now has 150 pages
most of the pages are enlargements of vacation photos

There is now a "GAMES" home page. If you are here to checkout the gaming stuff on this site, you'll want to start there. The most frequently updated pages are the Games night update, Games night stats and Links pages. These page are updated every week.

The photos from Izhevsk and Votkinsk, Russia will be scanned in some day soon. I'll post a link on this page when I get the photos posted. The trip to Africa is off due to a local fuel shortage in Zimbabwe.

Check out the photos from Belize on this page. Belize Photos

This page is here to entertain my friends. That is the only reason for it to exist. I hope that anyone that comes to this page finds it helpful and fun. If you are a new visitor to this site please feel free to look around. If you head to the next page you'll be able to reach any page on this site in one or two clicks of your mouse.

Click here for the next page.

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