Heribert E. Severing, M.D., runs his own medical practice in his office in Hamm, Germany.

Welcome to my virtual house on the edge of the Net.

Ulrike Severing  provides warmth and delicacy...

Patchwork quilting dates back from the early days of the pioneers in American history. At that time, it was of utmost importance to get the most of  everything because supplies from the east were rare, and  textile goods were quite expensive. Women invented patchwork quilting by the sheer need of making use of little pieces of textile texture that would have been thrown away under better circumstances. They set up a new textile skill  and brought  it to life  in a fine and artful way.

Sewing little pieces of textile to one another was the basic idea for establishing patchwork quilting.

The process of quilting two layers of patchwork with a filling  in between was a great idea and made up the first real patchwork quilts. This technique has been brought to perfection by generations of American women. It has spread out by now, especially to Japan, where very fine work is done.

In the US works of the Amish in Pennsylvania and Iowa are highly appreciated. These people are still living without nowadays comfort of electrical household machinery. They look upon radio and TV as works of the devil. They go out by horse and buggy still, even though some agricultural motor-driven machinery is coming into use in certain cases.

Ulrike Severing, too, is dealing with patchwork quilting techniques for quite some time. She has completed many a good piece during the last years.


Ulrike Severing  likes EQ 2 by Electric Quilt Company, Bowling Green, Ohio.It's in her use to her content for some time by now.

Heribert E. Severing finds a lot of pleasure in reading...

American fantastic literature, from gothic novels along the science fiction of the pulps and the Golden Age with its classic space operas, up to Philip K. Dick and the New-Age authors including modern writers of the fantastic genre being classified as horror, as Stephen King and Dean R. Koontz.

Heribert reads these novels in their original English versions, if possible. He thinks literature to be altered to the bad by means of translating them from one language to another.

Dean Koontz works, which are of  of an obvious specific quality in literature, get rid of just that after having been translated into German. The novels are thrilling still, but this something very special is missing.

There is another advantage in reading novels in their original version and language. It's the matter of time needed for translation and republishing. As a matter of  fact, a specific German release of a piece of American literature will be out about nine to twelve months later. At the time a novel comes out as a hardcover in Germany , it is due to be released as a pocket in the US.  So whether you like hardcovers or pockets, reading books in their original versions will get you timely or money-worth profit.

Heribert made up and maintains a couple of websites such as The All-Time Greatest Hits, The Robert A. Heinlein Page, and Herb's Country Site, to name just a few.

Amazon.com in Seattle, WA, is a precious supplier for books ordered via the Internet. But Amazon.de can be of service, too, most of the time.

More links
Profound Information regarding Robert A. Heinlein
Some more information about John Grisham 
Further information about Stephen King

Christine Teresa Severing really goes for painting and drawing, but also for psychology...
She does her paintings and drawings with a deep devotion to the arts. And she does them in a wonderful unique way equally looking at everyday things in the house, from the nature outside, or even from her imagination.

And by the way, she loves reading, and Anne Rice is a favorite of hers. She graduated from high school in Iowa with the class of '99. Now she's back in Europe. After graduating from a German gymnasium (that's somewhat similar to an English grammar school) she's with Nijmegen university in the Netherlands, studying psychology. She still has her beloved red BMW.

Nijmegen University
A link to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in NYC.
A link to Anne Rice.
Terry Pratchett and his Disc World novels.
Visit The Chesley Bonestell Interactive Art Gallery.

Philip Alexander Severing is fond of music, movies, and computering...

He used to be anxious to get up and go out before the break of dawn when sporting activities, especially fishing, were on the agenda. That's long gone, though.
He likes going around seeing places in his car, listening to 'good music' on  the stereo, and doing work, but also games on his state-of-the-art computer. He's fond of the latest sounds from the international charts, but has a profound knowledge of music of the 80s, 70s, even the 60s. He's an expert as far as the songs of the Fab Four from Liverpool a k a the Beatles are concerned. He's an expert for motion pictures, too.

There is a Special Relationship between our town, Hamm, and the following two in the US.

Links to my home town of Hamm are right here

Hamm: The City in the Green Heart of Central Westphalia (English) 

Visit the Official Web Site of Hamm (German) 

See more pictures of Hamm 


The All-Time Greatest Hits
From 1950 up to the present day
English Info


Revised on October 12, 2003

Copyright © 1996-2003 by Heribert E. Severing
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws