Donna's Recipe Club
Donna's Cloth Diapering Methods

This is a great book about cloth diapering. Please click on the link to order.

Diapers Changes

I thought I would make a web page dedicated to helping anyone who wants to use cloth diapers. I am no expert! I just believe there is not enough information provided to new or even experienced mothers as to the benefits of cloth diapering and how EASY yes, I said EASY it is! I would have never considered it either had I not seen my neighbor, Anne, do it. I used disposable diapers for my first two children! How I wished I had known then what I know now! I just never considered cloth. I didn't know anyone using cloth. I thought it was a thing of the past! I didn't know anyone still did it. The main reason I wanted to use cloth this time around was to save some money. I didn't know that I would actually Love cloth diapering. I think that the cloth diapers are more comfortable for baby too.
Anyway, here are my choices of diapers, pins and covers and the method I use to store and clean the diapers.

My choice of Cloth Diaper:

They are about $25.00 for a dozen. I ordered these from Wee Bee's.

My choice of pins:

They are stainless steel and have a safety cap that slides shut. They are my favorite because they slide right into the diaper! The others I've bought from discount type stores like Wal Mart and K Mart just don't compair. They "stick" and "snag" the diaper. I think they just aren't as sharp. I believe you can find them in sewing stores and they can also be purchased at Wee Bee's. They are $1.59 for four pins.

My choice for covers:

Method of Cleaning Diaper and Covers:

How many to have you ask?

For those of you thinking, "What about when I am away from home?. I asked the same question. I thought I would use disposables when away from home. But then when I did, I was always putting the dirty diaper in a plastic grocery bag because I wasn't near a trash can. (I was usually in my van changing him... I HATE to use public restrooms, eeeewwwwwwwww.) So, I figured, if I am putting a disposable in a plastic grocery bag, why can't I just put the cloth one in a plastic grocery bag? Get it?!?! So, I use cloth when away from home too!


If you have read this far, you are really interested in saving money or cloth diapers, so here's another secret!

Here is a discussion board that is GREAT! If you have ANY questions, you should get your answer here. Diaper Board
*Note You will have to register at (for free of course) to post, but you can read without registering.

Here are some reputable sites for ordering diapers:
The Baby Lane
Mother's Nature

If you are interested in Kooshies diapers, you can e mail Christi Waldheim

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Donna Hansen

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