Sauces And
Sauce Dishes

This is a Sicilian style sauce. This particular one contains both grd. sirloin, and Italian Sausage.

Ottaviana's Meat Sauce ©

5 Large 24 oz. Cans of Hunts tomato sauce
1 24 oz. Can of Hunts tomato puree
1 12 oz. Can of Hunts tomato paste
1 Large White onion
1 bulb of fresh Garlic
2 Lbs of Gr. Sirloin
8-10 Links of Italian Sausage.
(I prefer the sweet to the hot)
Garlic Powder (not salt!)
Oregano, dried)
Italian Seasonings (dried)
1 dried bay leaf
Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Chop garlic up small, but not too small .Slice onion thin, then chop (do not mince). Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil in the bottom of a large pot, until onions are soft and transparent. Strip the casing from two Italian Sausages, and break in to little tiny pieces and put into pot. Then break up the gr. Sirloin into small pieces and add to pot. As the meats are browning, break them up as small as you can (leaving the meat too large doesn't allow the flavor of the sauce to penetrate it). Once the meat is browned, add the cans of sauce, and add one full can of water to each can of sauce, except the last can (contrary to popular belief, sauce is not suppose to be thick). Also add the puree and paste. Add a tsp. of oregano, and a tsp. of Italian seasoning. Stir well, and bring to a gentle boil, skimming the foam from the sauce continuously the foam is acid, and is what causes the sauce to be bitter.) Continue skimming foam through entire cooking process. Lower to a simmer, and cover partially. Now your asking yourself, what do I do with the rest of the Italian sausage? Well there are two ways of doing this. You can either cut them in half and brown them in a frying pan, or just cut them and drop them into sauce (I prefer the latter, it makes it easier). Cook the sauce stirring often for 4 hours. Add a ¼ tsp of garlic powder and another ¼  tsp. of oregano halfway through the cooking process. Freeze remaining sauce in quart containers. 1qt. of sauce is enough for a pound of pasta.


Ottaviana's Meatballs
Now, no sauce is complete without Meatballs. So here
is my recipe for them. And the best part is you don't
fry them first!

1½ Lbs. of Ground Sirloin
1 egg
¼ cup of Bread Crumbs
(unseasoned style)
1 tsp. dried Parsley flakes
2 tbs. Pecorino Romano
Salt to taste
(another recommendation is to substitute the bread crumbs for French bread. 
A stale piece of French bread soaked in some water and excess water 
squeezed out. Then break up in little pieces).

Mix everything together well, and roll into balls about the size of a golf ball, (or smaller if you prefer). Drop into sauce. That's right, just roll and drop! Let cook with the sauce for the same amount of time it takes sauce to cook.


Grandpa's Marinara Sauce

This is sauce I learned how to make from my Grandpa, it is chock full of garlic, and its wonderful.

6-7 cloves of garlic chopped
2-28 oz. cans of crushed tomato's (you can use
fresh tomato in place of canned).
3-4 tbs. extra virgin olive oil
¼ tsp. dried oregano
4-5 fresh basil leaves torn up

In a sauce pan or deep large frying pan, brown garlic in olive oil, until golden, careful not to burn. Add your tomato's, and oregano and salt. Bring to boil and reduce, and simmer about 30-45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Last few minutes of cooking, add the basil leaves. Serve over Vermicelli.


Neapolitan Sauce

I love this sauce, most Americans believe that sauce should
have meat in it, but a meatless sauce is just a robust and flavorful.

4 Large Cans of Hunts tomato sauce
1 Large Can of Hunts tomato puree
1 12 oz. can Hunts tomato paste
1 Large White onion
1 large bulb of fresh Garlic
2 dried bay leafs
½ tsp dried oregano
½ tsp fresh basil minced
½ tsp Italian seasonings
½ tsp onion powder
½ tsp garlic powder
extra virgin olive oil
salt to taste

Chop garlic up small, but not too small. Slice the onion thin, then chop (do not mince). Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil in the bottom of a large pot, until onions are soft and transparent. Add tomato sauce add one full can of water to each can of sauce except the last can, add puree and other dry ingredients. Bring to boil and reduce to a simmer, remembering to constantly skim off foam. Add tomato paste Add salt to taste, and a little more seasonings during the cooking process. Simmer for about two hours, add basil the last half hour. Serve over spaghetti or other pasta. Freeze remaining sauce in quart containers. This sauce can also be used on Calazone.



Maria's Basilico Sauce©

(Pesto Sauce)

3 cup fresh, packed basil
1 cup olive oil, extra virgin olive oil
1 cup pecorino Romano cheese
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup fresh parsley
4-5 cloves garlic

In a food processor combine ingredients with 1/4 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup cheese and chop.
Slowly add remaining olive oil and cheese and pulsate processor. You want a creamy moist consistency, if needed add a little more olive oil. Do not over process. Taste, and add salt if needed. Add to Linguine and toss. Note: Place leftover in a air tight container, pour a little olive oil over the top and store in refrigerator. Can be stored for up to a week.


Tuna Fish Sauce©

Mamma use to make this on St. Josephs day, but
it is also used for a Christmas eve meal

1 med can grated tuna fish
1 clove of garlic, chopped
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1 large can tomatoes, or equivalent in fresh
1 small can tomato puree
1/3 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp chopped fresh basil

Brown tuna, garlic and parsley in oil gently for 10 minutes. Add salt, pepper, tomatoes and puree. Simmer for 1 hour. Add oregano and basil and cook an additional 5 minutes. Cook 1 lb of Spaghetti, or vermicelli until tender . Pour sauce over top and serve

Now for one of my most requested recipe's. This is a
tradition at my home at Christmas time. We no hava no
Turkey, and we no hava no Ham. On Christmas We Have
Now keep in mind, this is a no boil first Lasagne recipe.

©Ottaviana's Kitchen

Ottaviana's Lasagne ©

1 box of Lasagna
(you can use the no boil, or the regular
it doesn't really matter. I prefer the no boil type.)
1-2lb container of Ricotta
2 eggs
2 tbs. fresh Parsley
3 cups of shredded Mozzarella
¼ of a cup of Pecorino Romano
(or just plain Romano
1 tsp salt
1 quart of meat tomato sauce (the sauce does not have to be
hot. In fact with raw lasagna,
its better if it isn't hot.)

In A large bowl, put the Ricotta, the salt, the Pecorino Romano, the parsley, and the eggs. Also add about 1 cup of the shredded Mozzarella. Mix all ingredients well. ( I usually mix the ingredients without the eggs, so as to see if there is enough salt in it. Then I add the eggs and mix again). In a Lasagna pan,( if your not using a throw away foil pan), line your pan with foil for easy cleanup. Put a layer of Sauce, enough to coat the bottom of pan. Then arrange your Lasagna strips. Spread about a ½ of a 1/2 inch of Ricotta on the Lasagna, and drizzle some sauce over it. Sprinkle some Pecorino, and some Mozzarella on the Ricotta. Continue to layer the Lasagna in the same fashion, until you come to the last strips. Then put the remainder sauce on. Make sure you get it all around the sides too. Then finish topping with remaining Mozzarella, and sprinkle some more Pecorino on. Cover pan tightly with foil, and put in the oven at 350° degrees for about 30-45 minutes depending on your oven. Until it is hot and bubbling. Remove from oven and let sit covered for about 30 minutes.
Note: This can be put together the day before, and stored in the refrigerator.

Now grab a glass of Red wine and enjoy!

[wine bottle]


"Mamma I no wanna no Eggplant"!

Ahhh, one of the most misunderstood vegetables of our
time. The poor eggplant. This vegetable is one of the
most delectable fruits of the gods when prepared right.

Eggplant Pecorino Romano ©
(Melanzane Pecorino Romano)

1-2 Eggplants
(pick nice, dark, slender eggplant
to avoid too many seeds)
1 egg, beaten
1 cup bread crumbs unseasoned
(add more to dish if you need)
Vegetable oil
Pecorino Romano cheese
(or regular Romano, if you prefer
or can't find the Pecorino)
Mozzarella cheese 1-2 cups
And of course the tomato sauce
Use the meat sauce for this dish

Here we go. The sauce does not have to be hot, it can be used right out of refrigerator. Use the same meat sauce as in the recipe at top of page. Peel the eggplant, then cut into rounds about an inch thick. Beat your egg in a small bowl that will accommodate the size of the eggplant rounds. Pour the breadcrumbs in a flat plate. use a large enough Teflon frying pan, so it doesn't take you forever. Pour about a half cup of oil in the pan and heat it at medium low. Add oil to pan as needed when cooking. When oil is hot and shimmering, dip slice of eggplant in egg, and then coat in breadcrumbs. Shake off excess and place in pan. Quick cook until breadcrumbs are golden and fork pierces eggplant easily. Drain cooked eggplant on paper towels to remove excess oil, and salt the slices. In a baking pan (line it with tin-foil, it makes for an easier cleanup). Spread sauce on bottom of pan to coat it. Then arrange slices in pan so they are touching each other. Put some sauce on each slice, sprinkle some Romano cheese and Mozzarella on each slice. Continue with the rest of the slices. It's ok to stack them on top of each other just like you would with Lasagna. Cover pan with foil and place in an oven at 350° degrees for 30 minutes, or till bubbling. Uncover after 20 minutes and finish cooking.



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All recipe's on this page are Copyright©Ottaviana's Kitchen. And are not to be reproduced in anyway without the express written permission from Ottaviana's Kitchen©. This includes reprinting, use in any restaurant or eating facility including in any book or on web pages. These are for personal use only!

All backgrounds and were created by Ottaviana,
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