JRay-Sav's Home Page

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Hi, Jray-Sav here with one my favorite pipes

A Nice Savinelli


"A pipe is the fountain of contemplation, the source of pleasure, the companion of the wise; and the man who smokes, thinks like a philosopher and acts like a Samaritan".

~Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton


Please take a few minutes to browse my web pages.

Here you can learn a little about my family, my military career, and see some of the pipes that I have accumulated in my brief pipe smoking career.

There is a page showing the various military units where I was assigned during my career as a U.S. Army Military Policeman.

There is also a page of "Links" to various sites of interest to the Pipe Smoker, as well as links to several sites that would be of interest to current and former Military (as well as civilian) Policemen.

At the bottom of this page is The Pipesmoke Web Ring that I am a member of. From this Ring, you can instantly go to the web pages of other members of the ring

tr00245a.gif (1685 bytes)  Our Humble Home


radice.jpg (40825 bytes) My Favorite Pipes                                           More of My Pipes    poker.jpg (52691 bytes)

My Military Units                                           Some Really Great Links poker.jpg (52691 bytes)

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site is owned by  
Jray-Sav (#pipes on Dal.Net) 

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