Krista Elizabeth Anderson
February 18,1979-January 28,1998

The Mirror

I look in the mirror,
Do I like what I see?
The girl in the mirror,
is she really me?
What looks back is only the outside.
Long dark hair,
haunted blue eyes
Hiding a secret,
the truth inside.
Now as I gaze in the mirror
I wonder,
"What if?"
What if people were to see
that the mirror does not show
All there is to me.

(Written for Kris in 1995 by me)

This page is in memory of "Lil Warrior" who passed away on January 28. The angels in heaven must have been jealous of angel on earth, so they asked God to bring her up where she belonged...In her place, he left a memory that will never go away....Krista, we down here on Earth will never forget you and the ways you made our lives brighter.

Kris's death showed me that you can't always tell when a person is suicidal. It also showed me how much it hurts when a loved one takes her own life. The pain is there...and it takes a long time to go away. If you or anyone you know is feeling suicidal...please get help. The following links can take you to pages that can offer help.....


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