Virtual Hilarity

"When I worked as a technical-support specialist for a computer company, customer "help" calls ranged from the mundane to the bizarre. One memorable problem I had to trouble-shoot came from a man who complained that everytime he flushed his toilet, his computer would reboot.
It turned out that he lived in a rural area with water supplied by a well with an electric pump. Every time he flushed, it would turn on the pump, causing a dip in the electric power, which in turn would cause the computer to restart itself."

I had been teaching my 3-year old daughter, Caitlin, the Lord's Prayer. For several evenings at bedtime she repeated it after me. One night she said she was ready to solo. I listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word, right up to the end of the prayer. "Lead us not into temptation," she prayed, "but deliver us some e-mail. Amen."

The flannel nightshirt my mother gave me as a gift had white clouds on a blue background and was very modest. My husband, an avid computer user, told me I looked sexy.

"In this?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah," he replied. "It reminds me of the logo for Microsoft Windows."

A daydreaming student was stunned out of his trancelike state when his computer instructor interrupted class to say, "Kevin, are you still with us?"

Refocusing, Kevin replied, "Yes, sir. I guess I was just in screen-saver mode."

After several months of communicating via the internet, my new friend John and I decided to meet in person. A week later, I answered the door to find an attractive, middle-aged man with two keyboards in his hands. Grinning bashfully, he handed me one and said, "This is in case we get tongue-tied."

On my way home from a web-surfing class one afternoon, I was following a large and very dirty panel truck. I noticed the back door had these magic letters etxhed into the grime:

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