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Line Dances

Haunted Heart

1-2. R Heel Step
3-4. L Heel Step
5-6. Walk Forward R, L

9-10. L Heel Step
11-12. Walk Forward R, L
13-14. R Heel Step
15-16. L Heel Step

printerPrinter-Friendly version
Music: "Haunted Heart" by Sammy Kershaw
Choreographer: Unknown
1 Wall Line Dance
17-18. Swing R around front & to side of L, Step down (Hold 1 Beat)
19-20. Back L (Hold 1 Beat)
21-22. Back R 45 Degrees, Touch L next to R
23-24. Back L 45 Degrees, Touch R next to L

25-26. Back R 45 Degrees, Touch L next to R
27-28. Back L 45 Degrees, Touch R next to L
29-30. Back R 45 Degrees, Touch L next to R
31-32. Back L 45 Degrees, Touch R next to L

33-36. Tap R Heel forward 2 times in 4 beats
37. R behind L
38. L with L
39. R across L
40. Pause

41-44. Tap L Heel forward 2 times in 4 beats
45. L behind R
46. R with R
47. L across R
48. Pause

49-52. Tap R Heel forward 2 times in 4 beats
53. R behind L
54. L with L
55. R across L
56. Pause

57-60. Tap L Heel forward 2 times in 4 beats
61. L behind R
62. R with R
63. L across R
64. Pause


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