Dean's Roots:

Some of Dean's genealogy : This is the result of folks giving information freely. The photos came from folks that grew up with the Rollers. Thanks to all of the folks that shared their informatin with me. With any of the genealogy please dont assume this info is 100 percent correct. Take it with a grain of salt. If you find any errors in my page let me know. I will be glad to correct.

Roller Surname's This site is hosted by Kerry Williams.

Family Treemaker User page with Roller surnames :Nan Brennan is the owner of this site.

The Nash-Dillion Family This site has some Roller dates and Names I have not seen anywhere else.

Bobbie Nicholson from Family Tree Maker This is another Roller with lots of good information.

Roller-Rowler This site has more information on the Roller Family.

E. H. Dill homepage Ellis Dill has a great page. Roller's there plus other good stuff too. Take a look.

Barry County Mo. has interesting information that all started with Johannas Roller in Scott county Va. Look see if you find it as interesting as I did.

Becky Bonner's Page has only one Roller, but this might be the one Roller you are looking for.

Hole Family GenealogyThese folks aren't Roller's, but they have Roller's in their tree. You might fill in a Roller blank there, and it is a really neat site too.

Sandy's Family has Roller's and some neat photos..

Payne Genealogy: Years ago my great-grandfather, James Roller married Sarah Jane Payne Vaughn. Joe Payne who is the webmaster for the Clairborne Co. Tn. genweb page has a great site. When you get there click on the Pine Tree icon for the pdeigree chart with the GED2HTML, after that loads click on Hiaram E Payne, next click on Enoch3Payne. This will bring you to the Roller/Payne line.

More Roller's Every where I turn I find more Roller's. Check these out.

A different line of Roller's See if you can find a link.Cindy Horn has some good info here.

Jody Roller A new Roller link. Check it out.

Kris Hustead has a good Roller site we got connected thru the genforum web site.

For now these are all the Roller links I have. If you find more please let me know. I will ge glad to add them here.

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