On April 4th, 1926, the black robed angel of "death" visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Kilbore and claimed as its victim the mother of Mrs. Kilgore.

Mrs. S. J. Roller was born Jan. 20th, 1856, died April 4th, 1926, making her earthly abode 70 yrs., 1mo. and 14 days.

Early in live she united in marriage to F.S. Vaughn. To this union was born three children, Mrs. C.S. Kilgore, Mrs. Laura Necessary and Mrs. Minnie Baird. Later she united in marriage to James Roller. To this union were born three children, W. M. Roller, K. C. Roller and O. C. Roller. Both husbands and one daughter , Mrs. Laura Necessary, preceded her to that heavenly mansion.

Grandmother was very industrious, principally rearing her children alone. The door of her home was always open to the way faring wanderer and she always showed great hospitality to both young and old. grandmother was a great talker and a delightful entertainer. She always scattered gladness and sunshine wherever she went.

On seeing she could no longer fight the battle alone as her health was failing day by day. She finally consented to take up her abode in our home where she was given a warm welcome and our home was made so happy by her presence, but also out happiness was of short duration. For He show doeth all things well had seen fit to call her from the trials of this life to the joys of heaven. So few and fleeting are our days here. That is behooves us to be ready when the last enemy comes which is death. But Grandmother had made her preparations early in life. So when the summon come, she was ready to answer the call.

Slowly, yet surely, the cruel brights disease wrought it works and would no be stayed, despite the prayers of friends and loved one who administered unto her so faithfully. Sometime a ray of hope would appear only however to be succeeded by the darkness of deeper gloom. This state of things continued for sometime she was so meed and patient not seeming to be conscious of her danger yet submissive and wonderfully sustained under the suffering she had to undergo. For her sufferings were great. At last out last ray of hope dies and we realized that she was nearing the river which separated her from the bright throng beyond and was soon to stand before the gates of that celestial city. So on that quiet Sabbath eve God came and her spirit wended it was back to Him who gave it. She hold an earthly now only in the hearts of friends and loved ones. but while body slumbers here a lifeless body of clay, her spirit has mounted upward on new found wings already clad in its glorious robes of immortality.

While our hearts bleed on the account of the wound inflected by her loss. We are constrained to glorify God in her release from suffering.

She has made a blessed exchange
. Her conflict fierce is over.
Now Grandmother is at rest
. No more shall suffering torture
The sainted one, the blest.
Sweet Grandmother! long will they memory.
A gentle radiance shed,
Around the spot that new thee,
And mourns the now as dead.
For these thy mercies bless we,
Jesus, Savior, Friend,
And for like grace implore thee,
When our life too shall end

A granddaughter
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