Name: BJ McNamara
Email: [email protected]
Sex: Female
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters? Cowboys!
Favorite Rodeo Event: Barrel Racing
Do you Rodeo? Yes, High School
Name: paxton pacman vroman
Email: [email protected]
Sex: male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters? cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Event: bullriding
Do you Rodeo: yes, amateur
Rodeo Story: one time I was freestyling a bull, and I back peddled like a idiot and got hooked in the groin.

Name: Nichole Northrop
Email: [email protected]
Sex: Female Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters: Cowboys
Rodeo Events: Barrel Racing
Do you Rodeo: Don't Have A Fast Horse
Rodeo Story: Holly wearing her hat on backwards
Holly obessing over Dallas' ass in front of his Father.
Crying over Donovan when she found out he moved to the States.

From:Lyle Sankey
Email: [email protected]
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters: Cowboys and Cowgirls together!
Favorite Rodeo Events:BR, SB, BB
Do you Rodeo:P.R.C.A
Rodeo Story/Comments: check my Web Site(at, click on LYLE SANKEY, then after reading the bio, click on MY PERSONAL MOTIVATION!Maybe there's something there you can use...Gods Best, Lyle Sankey, N.F.R. Qualifier BB, SB, and BR, 2X's N.F.R. BR Avg. Winner

Email:[email protected]
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters:sk8ers
Favorite Rodeo Events: none
Do you Rodeo? nope
(Rodeo Story/Comments:this really sux!! I hate bull stuff

Email:[email protected]
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters:COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!
Rodeo Events:Barrel Racing
Do you Rodeo: Yep, intermeadite
Rodeo Story/Comments:If you have an Appaloosa you should enter in ACAAP it's the best Performance Program you could ever be in... And If you don't own an Appaloosa then you need to!

From:Kristina N. Reichert
Email:[email protected]
Cowboys or Skaters?COWBOYS!!
Favorite Rodeo Events:bullriding
Do you Rodeo?nope
Rodeo Story:It's a sad story. My ex boyfriend use to ride bulls until he got practically crushed my one. He rode the bull for 8 Seconds, but his hand got stuck in the rope and the bull came down on his thigh. He couldn't walk for awhile. But,thank god he is walking. He doesn't rodeo anymore. But, I think it is for the best with him.

From:Samantha Wright
Email:[email protected]
Cowboys or Skaters:Cowboys
Rodeo Events:Barrel Racing..and team roping
Do you Rodeo?Yes...local associations and college rodeo

From: Mikey
Email:Dont know dont get on the computer much .
Sex:occasionally . just kidin ./ male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters: cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events:Bareback and Bulls
Do you Rodeo? Yes, 2nd in state for bareback 3rd in state for bulls
Comments/Rodeo Story: My best friend and I were making a run for nationals last year switchin off first and second and he broke his neck at the carson city rodeo and is parallised form the shoulders down . Hes been my best friend since I was four years old. I aint had much intresst in rodeo since , but last night I took second at a rodeo you may have herd of the U.S.B.R.C. finals in Elko , Nevada my home town . That aint bad for a kid still in high school.

From: Erin Spohn
Email: [email protected]
Sex: female
Cowboys or Skaters: cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events: bullriding
Do you Rodeo? no

Name: Jenny
Email: [email protected]
Sex: F
Cowboys or Skaters: Oh that's tough, Cowboys!
Do you Rodeo? Yup, but only on the amature level, it's kinda tough with out a horse.
Comments: Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. You have a great page! The only thing I had a problem with is when you said Bull Riders can't ride! I know a guy who bull rides and steer wrestles and he's a better rider than I am! Okay maybe MOST of them can't ride, but there are some that can. Okay this isn't a story, but here's some names, if you still haven't thought of one for your filly. Magic, Trickster, Missy, Lucky Lady, Blue Moon, Candy, and Streak. That's all I could think of!

Name: neil hruska
Email: [email protected]
Sex: male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters: cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events: Steer wrestling
Do you Rodeo? yes, mrca
Rodeo Story/Comments: you know them all.
Name: Jody
Email: [email protected]
Sex: Male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters? cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events? bull riding
Do you Rodeo? nope hope to soon...
Comments/Rodeo Story: well i was at a local rodeo and this guy got hung up in his rope, the bull took him like all the way around the arena and finally the clown got him loose....and the clown asked the announcer if that guy was from florida or somethin...and the announcer says no...hes from grove OK....the clown said u sure the whole time i was tryin to get him loose all he kept talkin about was those sunny it..

Name: Joseph Jones
Email: [email protected]
Sex: Male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters: Cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events: Bullriding
Do you Rodeo? Yes, High School and TCRA
Comments: I am go to the Tri-State Final and the State Final in Texas in bullriding. I am sitting in 7th place in Reginal 1 to go to the State Final and 17 in Tri-State.

Name: jmcbullrider
Email: [email protected]
Sex: male
Favorite Rodeo Events: bullriding
Do you Rodeo? YES JR.

Name: Jaclyn Lekivetz
Email: [email protected]
Sex: female
Cowboys or Skaters: cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Event: bullriding
Do you Rodeo? no
Comments/ Rodeo Story: Hey Holly, I think you know all the stories from Milestone rodeo.
Name:� BabyBlue
Email� [email protected]
Sex:� chic
Cowboys or Skaters?� um...skaters??? no.
Favorite Rodeo Events:� Ride SB, a little BB, and teamrope. Like watching roughie events and Steer Tripping
Do you Rodeo?� Mostly opens, BrokenHorn assoc, workin on IPRA and MidStates
Comments/Rodeo Story:� This one time last year, we were headed to a fair rodeo. Well, there was six of us...Coyle, Zane, Todd, Jared, Tyler, and me. We were pretty hungry the night before and had stopped at a Waffle House to eat dinner. I don't know what the hell was wrong with the food, but the next day, we all had food poisoning except for Jared...So, we make ol Jared drive. The van we were in was like a 76 Dodge that Tyler had bought just for rodeo. Don't get me wrong, it was comfy and reliable, but one ugly SOB. We didn't have any air conditioning, and it was hot, and we were all sick, plus we were drinking all day in the van. Well, we were about 5 or 6 miles from the fair grounds, and about 10 min away from the perf. Now, were cookin down the road at about 80, and we're not on a highway. You can guess what happens. This cop pulls out and flips on his lights. Well, we've only got a couple minutes, so we turn up the radio and keep on. I'm sure you're familiar with this problem if you'! ve rodeoed much, but it gets worse. Pretty soon, there are two cop cars and a sheriff behind us. Jared pulls us in and flies past the poor kid in the orange vest taking tickets, wavin his arms. By this time, we've already got the door open and are fixin to run. Well, we are hoppin out and Coyle steps to far over and Jared runs over his foot. 3 cops and a sheriff run up and start yelling, but we're all trying to see if Coy is ok. Meanwhile, Jared is still driving. Tyler, who is very drunk, starts screaming about how (lol) we had some car trouble and this guy in a van picked us up, but turned out to be pshyco and wouldn't let us out, and that's why we jumped out while it was moving, because we were sooo happy to see cops! One of the police calls an ambulance for Coy, and Zane realizes he's still got a beer in his hand. He tosses it off over the fence, and the sheriff asks if we've been drinking. We're all saying no, when Tyler starts throwing up all over (food poisoning). We tel l the cops that it's because he needs insulin, which is in his bag that we left in the van. They end up letting us go (we missed the BB) after Coyle convinces them he's okay to walk. His foot ends up being broken in three places. While we're at the rodeo, the police search all over for the van, which (thank you Jared) had parked in the hospital parking lot a block away. We managed to get out of that one alright, but my SB horse slammed me into the gate (which the stupid kid didn't pull all the way) and resulted in 188 stitches in my right thigh, Coyle got a cast all the way up his leg (which we took off 2 weeks later so he could water ski), and Tyler throws up in the van on the way home (don't know what it was, but it was orange). And to top it all off, some kids are throwing beer bottles off an overpass and shatter the windshield, and we drive for 3 hours home, at night, with no windshield. So kiddies, you really want to rodeo, do ya??
Name:� bandit
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters?� cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events:� bullriding
Do you Rodeo, if so, on what level?� high school
Comments/Rodeo Story: I was on my first sr. bull,. and scared ,so i put on a helmet that bull was the rankest thing if ever been on well i got bucked, scored a 65 and got my nose and jaw broken two teeth nocked out i will never were a helmet again and way do i do it because like chris ledoux would say adictide to a natural high thanks

Name:� Robert Beals
Sex:� male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters:� cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events: bullriding
Do you Rodeo?� yes
Comments/Rodeo Story:� About 1 year ago I was riding a bull called mighty mite and boy does that name fit, cause he's a small but fast and powerfull little bull. Well anyway, to make a long story short he bucked me off, I dont know how but he did, and he crushed my nuts right into the ground. He stopped after I was laying there wishing I was dead,and turned around and stood right next to me and looked at me with a shit eaten grin on his face like it was funny.

Name:� Chet Jacobs
Sex:� male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters?� cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events?� bullriding
Do you Rodeo?� yes
Comments/Rodeo Story:� I was riding a bull called Arnold.He bucked me off and I did a cartwheel off the side, and landed on my head.

Name:� Travis Luney
Email� [email protected]
Sex:� male
Cowboys/cowgirls or Skaters:� cowgirls.������ lol
Favorite Rodeo Events:� bullriding
Do you Rodeo?� no���� travel with ones who ride
Comments/Rodeo Stories: well..� anytime myself and my traveling partner went on a long road trip it never ended til the bad luck charm happens.� and its never was my fault. lol how was i to know her boyfriend or soon to be husband is right around the corner when i get her a beer. lol yall be good and cowboyup Travis

Name� Storm Knight
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters:� Cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� BULL RIDING
Do you Rodeo?� NO
Name:� Brandey Werkheiser
Sex:� Female
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters� Cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� Bullriding, and Barrel Racing

Name:� holly anderson
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� female
Cowboys or Skaters:� cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� barrel racing
Do you Rodeo:� no just showing not yet
Comments/Rodeo Story: I was at a local show and my friend was on her horse hurrican and she was entering the shoot to do her barrel pattern well the horse got spooke by a crowd of children and started buckin and rearing up the gate was closed� and the closer anyone got to the gate the harder he would buck and rear well he bucked so hard hurricane flipped on his back and well, on cissy� then we had already got the shoot door opened.and hurricane just jumped up and was fine for the night. thius just goes to mshow that everyone doing a speed even t needs to prepare their horse.

Name:� Tiffany Lowder
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� Female
Cowboys or Skaters:� Cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� Barrel Racing
Do you Rodeo?� yes, ICA
Comments/Rodeo Story� When I was little I won the title of Miss Pee Wee IGRA, and at one rodeo when I was buzzing the arena my horse just had to buck me off in front of everyone.

Name:� Bryan Urbanoskny
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� Male
Cowboys or Skaters?� Cowboys!
Favorite Rodeo Events:� Bull Riding
Do you Rodeo?� not anymore, for the time being

Name:� crystal avila
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� female
Cowboys or Skaters?� cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� bullriding
Do you Rodeo?� no, just watch

Email"� [email protected]
Sex:� M
Cowboys or Skaters?� COWGIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Rodeo Events� bullriding&saddlebronc
Do you Rodeo?� NO,but I WILL!!!!!!!!
Comments/Rodeo Story:� YEA-my uncle used to ride and he got hurt SO MANY TIMES I dont have enough time to tell all the stories!

Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� F
Cowboys or Skaters:� Cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� Bullriding
Do you Rodeo?� No
Comments/Rodeo Story:� My son is in Jr Rodeo riding calves.� I can't believe I let him do it, but that is all he wants to do.� He is 7 1/2.� I hope that he gets into the roping events.� They are pretty cool as well.� Myself I am going to start back into barrel racing as soon as I get my 3 yr old ready.� I can't wait.

Name:� Rachel R
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� f
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters:� cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events:� barrel racing

Name:� Lindsey
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� female
Cowboys or Skaters?� cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� barrel racing
Do you Rodeo?� no
Comments:I would love to start rodeo before i gradurate high school. Then move to Texas when i get married.

Name: Georgia
Email: [email protected]
Sex: Female
Cowboys or Skaters: COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FavoriteRodeo Events: BR, BB, R, SW, and SW
Do you Rodeo? Yes
Comments/Rodeo Story: Well, its not exactly a rodeo story but here it is. I was riding this mule that we bought just becuase she was cute. Well, I went to get on and I put one foot in the stirrup and she took off. Lets say I got on but not in the saddle. I was riding her butt and she started bucking and crow-hopping. I'd say I rode her for a good 8 seconds and as good as any cowboy can ride a bull or bronc. I have some rodeo stories but don't remember half of them.

Name: Chad Collins
Email: [email protected]
Sex: M
Cowboys or Skaters: Cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events: Bullriding
Do you Rodeo? yes,independent(open shows)

Name: scott waite
Email: [email protected]
Sex: occasionally
Cowboys or Skaters: cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events: bull riding
Do you Rodeo? yes, spbr, wwra

Name: Jenna
Email [email protected]
Sex: female
Cowboys or Skaters? Cowboys and Skaters Favorite Rodeo Events: bullriding
Do you Rodeo? no
Comments: I like rodeos. Especially when the bullriders get hurt.

Name: justin
Email [email protected]
Sex: male
Cowboys or Skaters: cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events: bull riding....of course
Do you Rodeo? yes, high school, american junior bull riding, pro-am shows
Comments/Rodeo Story: I broke my back on time, and then after I healed I went and won the first bull riding I was in.

Name: Chase Morris
Sex: Male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters?� Cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events:�Bullriding
Do you Rodeo?� yes, steers+jr. bulls

Name: fred
Email bob
Sex: f
Cowboys or Skaters: both (cowboys and skaters)
Favorite Rodeo Events: Barrels,Poles, and goats
Do you Rodeo? Intermeadiate
Rodeo Story/Comments: A month ago I was doing goats and the horse was going faster than my feet were and I ate dirt.

Name: jodie
Sex: female
Cowboys or Skaters: cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events: barrel racing
Do you Rodeo? novice
Comments/Rodeo Story: I just started my morgan standardbreed mare Babydolldancer on barrel racing. It was our first time out and the competition was tough. She's very fast and can turn on a dime but as we took off she got a little confused and tried to go through the barrel instead of around it. She did this to the left and right barrels before finally getting the idea and raced around the last one like a pro. Even though we had a rough start we still came in fifth out of 30 contenders.

Name: Frank Smith
Email: [email protected]
Sex: Male
Cowboys or Skaters: Cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events: Steer Wrestling
Do you Rodeo? High School, Amateur
Comments/Rodeo Story: I have a lot of stories, but I would rather tell you how important rodeo is to my family. There is nothing like going to a 2 or 3 day rodeo, camping by strangers, and leaving as life-long friends. God Bless "Keep Rodeoing" Frank

Name: angie
Sex: female
Cowboys or Skaters: cowboys!!
Favorite Rodeo Events? barrel racing
Do you Rodeo? well, im to the point where i can stay on my horse. what level would that be?

Name:� Allen Mulroy
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� male of course!
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters� COWGIRLS!!!!!!
Favorite Rodeo Events:� Steer Wrestling
Do you Rodeo?�Yes, High School Rodeo

My boyfriend's Survey Form
Name:� kyle
Sex:� male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters:� cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events:� bareback
Do you Rodeo?� high school, cca
Rodeo Story: Me and Mike and Ben went to a little britches rodeo together, I won bareback, and to celebrate we decided to get drunk, 125 bucks later, split between 3 guys, I passed out in the truck, Ben passed out in the back, Mike comes back, drunk, opens the door and my head falls out, he then bangs my head in the door until the door finally closes, then walks all over me trying to get to the back to pass out. Just another exciting weekend. A pick-up man ran over me once too at Beechy last fall, kindof screwed up my back.

Name: Victoria McGullam
Sex: Female
Cowboys or Skaters: Cowboys all the way baby
Favorite Rodeo Events barrel racing
Do you Rodeo? barrel race, rodeos, gymkahanas intermediate
Rodeo Story: One time i was at a gymkahana and i was rideing my 22year old paint mare i call T.J. and she started bucking really hard,so i came fling off and two fine cowboys came running to help me up, I've been dating one ever since

Favorite Rodeo Events: bullriding
Do you Rodeo? yeah-
Comments: drinking beer is goooooood *smile*

Name: McKenzie
Email: [email protected]
Sex: Female
Cowboys or Skaters Cowboys, definately
Favorite Rodeo Events: Barrel Racing
Do you Rodeo? Yes. I am an AJRA member
Comments/Rodeo Story: My cousin, Chad Castillo was dashboarded and kicked and stepped on in the face by a bull by the name of Trick or Treat. Chad was put in the hospital in critical condition and didn't have a very good chance of living. But he won the '99 rodeo in Laughlin on a bull named Dirty Dancing.

Name: nathan koehn
Email: none
Sex: male
Cowboys/Cowgirls or Skaters: cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events bullriding
Do you Rodeo? CJBRA
Comments/Rodeo Story: One day i rode black jack in hilmar and got busted up.

Name: smiles
Email: [email protected]
Sex female
Cowboys or Skaters: cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events bullriding
Do you Rodeo? yeah-
Comments: drinking beer is goooooood *smile*

Email: [email protected]

Sent from Mail Form posted at: Name: Amber Bentham
Sex: Female
Cowboys or Skaters? Cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events *Barrel Racing*
Do you Rodeo? Yes, NRA
Comments/Rodeo Story: I rode in the slack in Fort St. John rodeo. 10:00am in the mornin. Been up all night before partying. That was quite the ride. Anyhow, in the afternoon I was going to race my mare in the stock horse race, but I needed 3 more people to race. Well when I got my # found some people and paid my entry fee I went to get my horse and she was gone. Piss me off! The people who hauled us in didn't know that I had planned on racing so they hauled her back to the farm. I was stuck, then to top it off, we had a big snow storm. So I climbed into this bullriders canipy that I know and drank a bit with my roomate all afternoon. It was quite the rodeo. I have many more stories. But I don't have an e-mail so you can write back.

Name: Josh Abbott
Email [email protected]
Sex: Male
Cowboys or Skaters: Cowgirls
Favorite Rodeo Events: Bull Riding and Bareback riding
Do you Rodeo? High school
Comments/Rodeo Story: Well one time I was riding bareback horse in Cody Wyoming and I got hung up and my rigging slid under neath the horse and to say the least I got hurt.

Name: crystal
Email: [email protected]
Sex: female
Cowboys or Skaters? cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events: bullriding
Do you Rodeo? no i am goin 2 start though

Name:� Brandy Maher
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� female
Cowboys or Skaters:� cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� Barrel Racing
Do you Rodeo?� i only local show
Name:� Holly
Sex:� female
Cowboys or Skaters:� cowboys
Rodeo Events:� bullriding & barrel racing
Do you Rodeo?� not yet
Comments/Rodeo Story:� When I was ten I rode my very old pony(30+!) Phantom in the Carson Rodeo.� We were just exhibitioning, but the crowd loved us.� When we first started, you could have heard a pen drop.� But when we finished it was deafening!� Our time was 18.05.� Pretty damn good for a pony who's teeth were almost completely worn off!
Name:� Carol
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� Female
Cowboys or Skaters:� Cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� Roping
Do you Rodeo?� nope (I team pen though)
Comments/Rodeo Story:� sorry, no stories :(
Name:� Justin Schmidt
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� male
Cowboys or Skaters:� COWGIRLS
Favorite Rodeo Events:� the bulls, and them bare back horses
Do you Rodeo?� yes,� novice
Comments/Rodeo Story:� I was in a midnight winter rodeo, in a small town in colorado called Bayfeild.� the rodeo area was frozen and rock hard.� i was in the bulls and bare backers,� well the horses came first, i got hung up and windmilled around and ended up gettin flug 12 feet on my face.� I got up and heared the entire crowd gasp,� thats when you know summins wrong.� i walk up the the clown and asked him what was wrong if he could see anything and he turned around screamed and passed out.� i walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror ans saw that my bottom lip was torn off to about my chin level and all my bottom teeth were turned 90 degrees they were all parrell to each other.� I looked at what was my once white shirt that is now a perminate chrimson red and dirt brown.� well i still had to ride the bulls.� so I whent to the truck tilted the mirror and grabed my plyers from my bag along with my rodeo tape.� i twisted my teeth back to where they where supose to be.� taped my ! lip up and went back for a 98 point ride on the bulls.� So about six weeks later i got a package from the rodeo company i was ridin with.� it was a custom made gold buckle with the words "Crazyest some buck we know" so I have got my shirt hung up as a trophy and both my buckles along with it.
Name:� Terri Stewart
Email:� [email protected]
Sex:� Female
Cowboys or Skaters:� Cowboys
Favorite Rodeo Events:� Barrel Racing and Rough Stock events
Do you Rodeo?� Amateur
Comments/Rodeo Story:� I was at a high school rodeo competing and it was goat tying.� The girl up was good, she was in grade eleven and could tie in about 9-10 seconds. She went down made an incredible run, bailed off to tie.� The goat got caught in her shirt and when she stood up, the shirt opened wide.� She didn't realize it and lifted her arms to� the judge.� Everyone in the crowd applauded but probably for the wrong reasons.� It was hilarious.
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