Upcoming Events and Results

Event:Milestone High School Rodeo
Where:Milestone, SK
Entering In:Barrels, Pole Bending and Goat Tying
When: April 15, 10:00 a.m.
Goals:It is SuperStar's first rodeo, so I am just going to concentrate on keeping her calm and since I just started her on pole-bending I just want to lope the pattern with her. In barrels, I am not going to push her very much (although she has been to jackpots and such going slowly) and just see how she does. In goats I am going to try to do a good tie and having the goat stayed tied, I just got my goat, so I won't have very much practice before it
Results: In barrels, she ran pretty slow because she has never ran in an indoor arena before. However, her pattern was good and Sandy told me that not to worry, she is just young and experiencing stuff, and she'll do better next time. She ran a 17.54-most of the girls ran running 13's to 15's. In poles I ran her about half speed 'cuz I just started her, and she ran a 25, the winning time was a 22, and there were a lot of 23's and 24's. In goats I tied, with a 20.8 time, and was just out of the points (11th or 12th in Saskatchewan). Oh well, I had fun, and next time (Shaunavon) I am going to push her alot harder in the barrels. She never got nervous or "hot", and I was really happy with her.
Click here to see a picture of us turning the second

Event: Quam's Barrel Racing Clinic and Jackpot
Where:Montmatre, SK
When: April 25-26
Goals: My horse, SuperStar is runnning quite well, but I want to hear any advice that the Quam's have and learn what I should be doing every day for keeping her running good, and not overworked.
Results: She ran so NICE!! At the jackpot she had crappy runs, but still ran a 14. I learned that I shouldn't run her with spurs, because that is why she ran badly. She wasn't listening to me when I ran her, because she was paying attention to the spurs. I am stopping using them.

Event:Goat Tying Clinic With Robyn Moore
Goals:learn to tie faster and dismount at fast speeds
Results: The clinic was SO good. My horse did awesome and I improved a lot. I stopped moving so much when I tie and now I sit more square on my goat. I also am more confident in my horse and am dismounting better. In the jackpot I ran an 11 second time. AWESOME. Hopefully I do better at high school rodeos now.

Event: Jackson's Jackpot
Where: Carmen Jackson's, Sedley, SK
When: May 9,2000
Events: Barrels, maybe poles
Goals: To run a good pattern with the speed I saw in her at the clinic, and stay calm and working well.
Results: She ran a 19.303, the winning time was a 17.303, so I won 3-D. Most of the girls who CCA'd ran 18's, and 19's. Really good for her being 4. She isn't running anywheres near as fast as she can run. This is one of the first time I have ran her even this fast. She did REALLY good.

Event: Bengough High School Rodeo
Date: May 19-20
Events: Goats, Barrels, and Poles
Goals: To improve my times from Milestone in barrels, poles and goats, and to be in the top 10 in goats. Also, to keep her calm and happy, not arena sour (she has never been arena sour before, but I am always worried about it). Note- Shaunavon was postponed to the weekend of my Graduation.
Results: In pole bending she broke the pattern on the first day, she wasn't ready to run that fast. In barrels she ran good, turning them all nice except for the 3rd. an 18.64, and it was won with a high 16. In goats she didn't check when I said whoa and I nose-dived, but still got a 13.94, which gave me 9th. On the 2nd day, she didn't break in poles, but it wasn't very good. Also, in barrels she went REALLY wide on the 2nd and 3rd, but still ran an 18. In goats I ran a 14, but I got off backwards. I think I got 10th. Sandy said I need to switch bits. She was getting really hyper before I ran in the end and she didn't really like going in the gate, but she would go in, she was just being stupid (testing me-I think).

Event: Estevan High School Rodeo
Date: May 21-22
Events: Goats, barrels and poles
Goals: To improve her times, and to be in the top 10 in goats. To keep her from getting sour, 'cuz this weekend she will be in 4 high school rodeos, but I think that she will be fine.
Results: First day- In goats the goat kicked out. It was a crappy tie. In barrels she turned better on the 2nd and 3rd, but still not as good as she can. She ran past the first, and went slower than before, so I ran a 19. In poles she finally seemed to remember doing them before on the way back, and she did better, but she needs work. She was going in the arena better. 2nd Day- In goats I got a 13, and my mom thinks I got 5th, but I think I got 7th. Oh well-either way it was an okay run. In barrels, she ran WAY past the 1st and had a way better 2nd and 3rd, I lost like 1.5 seconds on that 1st and she ran a low 19, she would have had a 17 or and 18 if she wouldn't have ran past. Poles were cancelled. She was really tired today, and she didn't really want to go in the arena but she went without having to be led or anything.

Event: Shaunavon High School Rodeo
When: May 26-27
Where: Shaunavon
Events: Goats and Barrels
Goals: To run a better time and pattern in barrels with a tight 2nd and 3rd (and no running past the 1st) and to tie my goats and have a nice dismount, and to also be in the top 10
Results:Oh, was I TIRED-my grad was the night before and I got about 2 hours of sleep-oh well. My run for Saturday (I was allowed to make both runs on Sunday) was a 13.1, and my run for Sunday was a 14. I placed in the top 10 for both days-before Shaunavon I was sitting 16th, but I don't know what I am sitting now. I heard that some of the really good goat tiers were talking about me and they think I am doing really good for having started 6 weeks ago, and that i have improved a lot. My pole run was MUCH better, her end pole was SWEET. I ran a 26, and I took her really slow. Barrels, she had a really LARGE pocket for the 2nd, but came out of it good, and the third was SWEET!! She ran an 18, which was good 'cuz the pattern was HUGE. I think that now I am going to let her close the pocket a little and practice with a bigger pattern 'cuz she is not dropping her shoulder anymore and she is listening to my legs. This bit is working SOOO good. I was really happy.

What: Saskatchewan High School Rodeo Finals
Where: Maple Creek, SK
When: June 2-4,2000
Events: Goat tying (the only event I qualified in
Goals: To TIE all three days and not have the goats kick out. Also, to be in the top ten as much as I can, to move up in the standings, and to just to do the best I can.

Results: CRAPPY! The worst ties of my life. The pressure so got to me!!
    What: Old's College Rodeo
    Where: Old's, AB
    When: October 14, and 15
    Events: Goat Tying, and Barrel Racing
    Goals; To have smooth ties and nice get-offs, and just to let her run to her best ability, and not to get too nervous.
    Results: I had crappy crappy runs in goats, but I was trying to spin on my ties and the goats legs were so small that they would kick out so now I am going to place my ties. In barrrels the first day she ran a 19.9and knocked but I pulled her up 'cuz I lost my stirrup and my balance and I would have fell if I hadn't. I ran a 17.9 on Sunday, and the fastest was a 15.9 and there was about half of the girls running in the 17s so I was happy because she wasn't even running out at all.

    What: Magrath College Rodeo
    Where: Magrath, AB (a dry town)
    When: February 17, and 18
    Events: Goat Tying
    Goals: To have smooth ties, to concentrate and do as best as I can
    Results: the rodeo was fine, but GETTING there was a GONGSHOW. Two trucks broke down, so we ended up going in Char's car, got there 10 minutes before the rodeo and then had to jump COLD onto Mona Brierbach's horse (thanx mona, your horse is sweet) and ran a 13.4 the first day to place 6th and 12.2 the second day to split 6th, so I am placing and getting better.

    What: Fernet's Jackpot
    Where: Fernet's Arena
    When: March 11, 2001
    Goal: to run her at her 1st and trust her to rate herself, because she can and that is a major time loss and I screw up her 1st barrel if I rate her (she rates at the last second so if I rate her 10 ft from the barrel she wants to turn right then). Events: Barrels
    Results: I would have been pretty high up in the 2D but I hit a barrel (Fernet's jackpots are done on average), and my 3rd was really wide, but her 1st was really nice, and she rated herself and went into the turn on her own and she is starting to work better, and she has lots more speed. I just have to work on my 3rd and keep hauling her, she hasn't been out that much yet, I know she will be able to run 1D, so I am really excited to run her at more jackpots

    Where: Vermilion, AB
    When: March 16-18
    Events: Goats
    Goal: To run good, smooth goat runs like I can and hopefully place and move up in the standings (if I can!) Results: Ran pretty crappola! Ran a 13 on the first day and then ran a 14 on the second day, lost all my time running to the goat and in my tie. Oh well! I had fun though (yes I sure did).

    What: Fernet's Jackpot
    Where: Saskatoon (Fernet's Arena)
    When: April 1,2001
    Events: Barrels and Poles
    Goals: To have nice smooth runs, and see how she is running and where she is measuring against the other girls

    What: C.I.R.A. Finals
    Where: Olds, AB
    When: April 6, 7, 8, 2001
    Event: GOAT TYING
    Goals: TO HAVE FUN, not to stress out and concentrate on what I am doing, have good ties and don't worry about it (these are my first National Finals in anything!! I was sitting 11th, and got bumped up because a girl is hurt or something)!! I AM SO EXCITED!!

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