
Lyric- Johhny Burk Music- Errol Garner

look at | me, i’m as | helpless as a kitten up a

tree and i feel like i’m | clinging to a cloud i

can’t understand, i get | misty just holding your

hand | walk my | way and a thousand violins begin to

play, or it might be the | sound of your hello, that

music i hear, i get | misty the moment you’re

near. | you can say that you’re | leading me on

but it’s just what i | want you to do

don’t you notice how | hopelessly i’m lost.

that’s why i’m following | you | on my | own, would i

wander through this wonder land a-

-lone never knowing my | right foot from my left my

hat from my glov, i’m too | misty and too much in | love

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