For information, additions or corrections, send message to Brian Brueggen
Copyright � 1999-2008 Gary Brueggen

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Caption for this photo (Music From The Mississippi album) says that the personnel
are as follows; Brian Brueggen on concertina, Phil Brueggen on 1st trumpet and
vocals, Nick Dunkel on 2nd trumpet, trombone and vocals, Laurie Solberg on piano
and saxophone, Bill Oelke on drums and vocals, Tony Kaminski on tuba, and Tony
Jorgenson on banjo.

Caption for this photo (Volume Two album) says that the personnel are as follows;
Tony Kaminski on tuba, Bill Oelke on drums and vocals, Brian Brueggen on
concertina, Phil Brueggen on 1st trumpet and vocals, Kieth Reese on piano, and
Tony Jorgenson on banjo.  Nick Dunkel on 2nd trumpet, trombone and vocals was not
in picture.

This is Brian's early home, near Cashton, WI.  His parents, Phil and Madonna ran
the farm, but Brian helped out as you will see in a future picture.  In return,
Brian was able to put up his band sign.  Note Brian's new van.

All concertina players have to own more than one of them.  Brian bought one from
Johnny Gag and he is seen playing it in this picture.

Brian had a concertina built by the master, Christy Hengel.  Brian tries out his
new one while Christy looks on.

Picture taking when Brian brought his new concertina home.  Here is Willard,
Phil, Madonna and Mary Ann lined up behind Brian.  Any guess who that little
fellow is that got into the picture?  Sure enough, that is Gary, who is featured
in another section.

Sylvester sets up the microphone for Brian who played a few numbers with the
Jolly Swiss Boys that night.

Another photo of Brian playing with the Jolly Swiss Boys.

A jam session at Gibbon.  Bill Oelke on drums, Bernie on Trombone and Phil and
Brian, both on concertinas.  Yes, Phil plays one, too.

If you don't believe Phil plays concertina, here is a picture of him during a
practice session in his soundproof booth.

If you don't believe Phil plays a stumpfiddle, here is a picture of him waiting
to play with the band.  Notice his friend looking at his watch and wondering how
he can leave the place without being noticed.

And, if you don't believe Brian is a farmer, here is a photo of him just before
he quit farming and went to play for the Dan Witucki Band.  I prefer milking cows
from the other side!

Good ole Bill Oelke.   Here he sings one of his songs at a Halloween dance.

An early picture of the Ridgeland Dutchmen showing Harry, Rodger, Phillip,
Willard and young Brian as official concertina player.  Brian was about 14.

The Dan Witucki band, mentioned above.  Brian played with the band for about a
year before getting homesick and coming home.

When Brian left home, he was replaced by this little guy, Gary.  So, Brian
started his own band, the Mississippi Valley Dutchmen, and talked his father,
Phil into playing with his band.  Here, Gary tries out a seat in Brian's van.

This is Brian's fancy new van.

Brian and band playing at the Hilltop in a tent.

Another view, showing more players.

Only Brian would know who these other squeezebox players are.

Brian, leaving one of the smaller buildings.

Brian doesn't spend all of his time on the road!

Brian in action.

Brian and the Mississippi valley Dutchmen at some festivity in Milwaukee
sponsored by Radio Station WTKM.

Brian all dressed up in his Sunday best!

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