Ancestral Religion of
the European Folk

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last updated 3 January (more great links at the bottom of the page)

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Asatru is the ancient faith of the Northern Europeans, a form of the common faith of the Indo-European people that coalesced among the Germanic or Teutonic tribes. As a branch of that Indo-European proto-religion from which the particular faiths of the Celts, Slavs, Latins, Greeks, Balts, Aryan Indians, Persians and related peoples also arose, it is a true expression of the European soul.

In early European history, Asatru was the faith of such heroic warrior peoples as the Goths, Allemanni, Franks, Burgundians, Lombards, Angles, Vandals, Saxons and later, the Vikings- our true tribal heritage. It was only through violence coordinated by the power-hungry that the universalist slave religion, Christianity, was imposed upon the European Folk.

This campaign took centuries and many died to preserve the worship of Odin-Woden-Wotan, Tyr-Tiw-Tiwaz, Thor-Thunor-Donar and the other gods of our people. Those who lived accepted over time the ugly veneer of the slave religion, but no ideology or imposed, alien creed could tame the noble, exploratory and inventive soul of the Europeans. Knowledge of the ancestral faith for centuries lived on only among scholars, in books and folktales, but as the spirit of the Europeans lived on, so too the spirit of Asatru lived on.

In the past quarter-century, the knowledge and the spirit have been reunited, and the faith revived. The efforts of people like Steve McNallen, the founder of the Asatru Free Assembly, have led to the growth of a renewed Asatru community that today gathers in homes, in forests, in the mountains and the deserts, or wherever they may, to honor the ancestral gods with ceremonies and activities in support of the Folk.

Asatru's rapid growth has led to two clearly defined varieties, Folkish Asatru and "universalist" Asatru. Like many Native Americans and other traditional folk, the Folkish Asatruar believe the faith to be tribal, to express the unique spiritual perspective of those of European descent. Folkish Asatruar believe the European people are unique and that our history and the accomplishments of our ancestors are deserving of pride and emulation. Generally this is combined with a belief that the faith must be meaningful, must take an interest in the living community of our people, must offer strength and pride to the Folk.

Universalist Asatru is more in line with the mainstream dogma of global monocultural sameness and rootlessness. As a result of their attempt to reconstruct the faith apart from the European spirit from which it arose, they are , like so many neo-pagan faiths, more a dress-up reenactment of old rituals than a true, living faith. They offer Asatru as a mere hobby or a bare framework for the mainstream dogma to reside within.

For those who seek positive expressions of their culture, for those angry at dispossession and the falsehoods perpetuated in textbooks and the media against European culture and history, Universalist Asatru offers nothing. It offers no focal point of strength and pride. It offers nothing for those who seek a faith that is more substance than flavor, something more than an alternative to stamp-collecting.

Folkish Asatru alone, springing from the well of ancestral wisdom that lives within our people still, addresses the needs of our people in this age. Folkish Asatru is a return to our proud ways, it bears the seed of our future glory and offers what is most needed of religion, meaning.

Counter visitors since 22 April 1997(re-established 2007)

Folkish Asatru Links

The Odinic Rite
Asatru Alliance
Asatru Folk Assembly
World Tree Publications
Raven Kindred
Odinic Rite Osterreich
Odinic Rite Deutschland
Odinic Rite Vinland
Lone Tree Kindred
Ulfhethnar Kindred
Wolfgar Kindred
The Woodpile and Hvitfolk Kindreds
Heidnischwerk (high quality Asatru sculpture)
Nordische Zeitung
More Links (updated 21 December)
Articles (updated 16 November)
1997 News
The Althings of the Asatru Free Assembly & Asatru Alliance (updated 3 January)


E-mail: [email protected]
P.O.Box 181783
Coronado, CA 92178

Ragnar Schuett
E-mail: [email protected]
P.O.Box 2366
Loveland, CO 80539



I became a member of the Asatru Free Assembly in 1986, while residing on the Chesapeake Bay. For many years after the demise of that organization, I had no organizational ties, but upon moving to Southern California I joined Thorr's Hammer Kindred. THK has served over the years as a seed kindred from which many other kindreds have arisen- Raven Kindred, Wolfgar Kindred and Berserker Kindred, for instance, may each trace their origins back to THK. Like so many others, with the formation of the Odinic Rite Vinland, I too moved on. I took apprentice membership in the Rite and have since been honored with an appointment as the ORV's West Coast Area Reeve. I also maintain proud membership in the Asatru Folk Assembly in solidarity with the exceptional work that organization has done and I maintain close ties of kinship and friendship with the kindreds of the Asatru Alliance, who have kept the community intact, vibrant and strong. I'm an honorary member of Raven Kindred (Asatru Alliance). I recently celebrated my 16th anniversary with my wife, Suzanne. I work as a seafarer, which has given me the opportunity to travel the world. 1998 will find me at sea for a large portion of the year in Australian, Asian, and Arabian ports.

Ragnar Schuett is one of the most dynamic young forces in Asatru today. He resides in Colorado- though he, too, is widely traveled- where he has built the Lone Tree Kindred (Asatru Alliance) into a strong community-based religious organization. He, too, is a proud member of the Asatru Folk Assembly with close bonds of friendship to the AFA's home kindred, the Calasa Kindred.


� 1997 Hnikar & Ragnar

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