The Fundamental Religious Beliefs of Asatru: An Asatru Credo

by Brian Regan


The cosmos, that is, everything in this and all other universes, such as energy waves, particles, atoms, gas clouds, stars and planets, galaxies, life forms and empty space, whether visible or invisible, comes ultimately from and is held in being by, a Mind. In Asatru this Mind, a cosmic inframind, is known by the name of Weird. As our ancestors taught us, Weird is neither male nor female, but neuter. It is not a person in the human sense of the word, although it can be called upon in prayer or in various other ways, and it will answer in accordance with its own will.

Weird creates the physical universe through the power of Memory. All things keep their shapes by remembering their own histories. The laws of physics are very strong memories, that is, habits. On occasion, Weird alters these habits. Such non-habitual behavior is sometimes called "paranormal" by humans.


Life is a form of matter which can form new memories, that is, learn. Evolution develops through the occasional but always sudden re-organization of a life form's memories. In other words, new life forms appear suddenly out of old ones virtually overnight, much in the same way that miracles of healing occur.


On this planet, man is the highest form of life because as a species he has learnt more than any other species. Accordingly, it is his nature, his destiny and his religious obligation to continue to learn in every way. Formal education, as the most efficient way to learn, is the preferred way to fulfill this obligation.


Science, especially in its formally logical and mathematical forms, is a continuation of this learning process, and must continue to advance in order for us not merely to live comfortably, but to exist at all. The basis and mainstay of science is the European subspecies of man, especially its northern component. If intelligent life is to survive on this planet, the current suicidal drift of the northern European folk must be halted and reversed.


The physical death of living beings, and in particular of man, is not the end. The memories of which they are made continue to exist, and are known as "souls". The soul of a deceased human may become reincarnated in a new body developing in a mother's womb. It may also enter other realms or states of being within the vastness of Weird.


There are other spiritual entities which are not human, but which are unquestionably intelligent. There are those which are less intelligent than humans and those which are vastly superior to us in intelligence. To some of these superior beings our northern ancestors gave the name of Aesir, to others, Vanir, to yet others, Etens (or giants). Although depicted and often envisioned in apparitions in human shape, they are spiritual beings and do not in themselves have our form. Communication with them is telepathic, as in prayer. Many of them are helpful to us, and we pray for their assistance.


Chief of all our gods is Odin, also known in the various Germanic dialects as Woden, Wodan, Wotan, etc. The name, as Wodans, comes from the language of the Goths during their sojourn in southern Russia in the second to fourth centuries of the present era. It is a title and means, freely translated, "Master of Shamans".


The religion of our forefathers, and our religion, was shamanic. That is, it centered around the person of the tribal shaman. This is a person, male or female, who deliberately has a Near-Death Experience by exhausting or starving himself or herself, by various trance states and the like, in order to travel to the realms of the dead and the gods in order to secure from them information or favors which may be of benefit to the community.


Asatru is, thus, based on the blood-related community descended from northern Europeans, the folk of the north. While we may have sympathies with the hopes and desires of other peoples and may live among them, our commitment is to our own folk, which demands our full and undivided attention. The currently widespread contempt by many Euro-Americans for one's own people is a form of suicide and contrary to the will of Weird.


Today the forces of European science and freedom are suffering an unprecedented onslaught from forces of supernatural evil which threaten to destroy the planet. These forces, manifesting themselves in Third World overpopulation and tyranny, in internationally-minded, miscegenationist economics and businesses, and in global drug criminality, are using the Mediterranean religious technique of guilt propaganda and the vice of laziness to invade and destroy our people. Western intellectuals, especially in the tax-supported universities of the West, have long been spreading hate for those whose skin is white. In consequence, our people is dying and the earth with it. Given this reality we avow that only our gods, the gods of our forefathers of old, can save us.

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