Odin's Nation Rising Again

by Heimgest, Director of the Court of Gothar, Odinic Rite

(From ORB 160, reprinted with permission).

As most readers will know, the Odinic Rite promotes the philosophy of "The Nation of Odin". Briefly, this realises that our first Nation, regardless of the geographical location of the land in which we reside, is the Folk Nation of Odin. A Nation not defined/restricted by the arbitrary and now out-moded geographical boundaries, but by our natural religion and blood kinship. This initiative supersedes the "petty nationalism" which has in truth set brother against brother, usually for the benefit of a strange folk or creed. The "nation state" is out-moded- the Folk Nation rises- Odin's Nation exists.

The advance of Odin's Holy Nation is one of our primary goals, and towards this aim we have established firm bonds with the Odinic/Asatru groups who also share our sacred vision. Among the topics discussed with our comrades of the Asatru Alliance of the US, and the Asatru Folk Assembly of the US during my visit to Vinland as special guest of the AA on the occasion of their Althing of 1995 c.e., was the increase and formalising of our bonds with these and other comrade groups. This would be achieved at one level by the formation of an International Axis of such groups. Plans towards this have continued until now when we can announce the formation of the International Asatru/Odinic Alliance (IAOA). The founder members of this folk bond being the Odinic Rite, the Asatru Alliance, and the Asatru Folk Assembly. The finer details are being honed and will be announced, but for now it is important to announce the formation of the IAOA- the vision is reality.

Thanks must be given to all who have worked towards this, especially Valgard Murray who heads the AA and who has devoted much time and energy to this advance. ALL PRAISE TO OUR GODS AND GODDESSES!

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