Dave Matthews Band 6/20/2000 Polaris Amphitheater Columbus, OH Soundcheck Source: AT853 Card-->Sound Pro Battery Box/Bass Rolloff-->Sharp MD-722 Conversion: Sony 920 MD Home Unit-->Optical Cables-->Phillips Dual-deck CD-RW Home Unit DO NOT TRADE OR ENCODE THIS SHOW INTO MP3. THIS SHOW DOES NOT EXIST. DO NOT SPREAD!!!!!!! Tracks: 1. Raven (cut) 7:19 2. Raven (cut) 5:42 3. Break 3:17 4. JTR 5:48 5. One Eyed Fish 10:47 6. Crush 12:34 7. One Sweet World (cut) 1:13 Notes: This was taped outside the venue. It was a very windy and semi-rainy day. The first two songs are cut, along with One Sweet World. It started pouring rain, thus OSW was cut.