Le Bois


Le Bois

The Basic Structure of Wood

Types of Wood

Tree Growth and the Production

Macroscopic Properties of Wood

Composition and Structure of Wood Cells

Softwood Structure

Hardwood Structure

Les composantes du bois
A highly complex work of nature, the formation of wood is through the process of
photosynthesis -- the reaction of carbon dioxide, water with sunlight to produce glucose.
David Seabright explains

We all learnt about photosynthesis at school. However, it was always slanted towards our benefit,
for the production of oxygen, rather than for the tree's.

For the latter, it is the essential process for producing glucose -- the woody material's basic
monomer -- which through a process of biosynthesis produces its polysaccharide structure of
cellulose and hemicellulose.

A third macromolecular substance present, which has a different structure to that of the latter two
elements, is lignin. Whereas cellulose and hemicellulose are "chains" of high-molecular-weight
polymers, lignin is defined as having an aromatic chemical structure composed of phenylpropane

However, other compounds or extractive material make-up the total composition of xylem, grouped
into either organic (tannins and terpenes) or inorganic matter (potassium and silicon). Generally, trees
from temperate climates have high proportions of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, accounting for
some 98% of the total chemical composition. Tropical trees can have fewer proportions of the three
basic elements, reduced to 90%, and have a higher quantity of organic and inorganic substances.


To describe cellulose, or in fact any of the other chemical compounds of xylem, is no easy task. A
chemist or a wood technologist would easily understand the term: Cellulose consists of
anhydroglucopyranose units joined to form a molecular chain. The units are joined by ß-(1--4)-
glycosidic linkages. However, to the layman you may as well be talking Greek!

Trying to explain cellulose in simplistic terms, the use of analogies is essential. Cellulose is basically a
"chain" of polymers, mainly glucose. In order to understand its structure, the simple necklace is a
suitable analogy with each link being the glucose monomer. The glucose monomer comprises of
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms (the basic building blocks of all life in the plant kingdom). It has
the chemical formulation C6 H12 O6, representing six units of carbon, twelve of hydrogen, and six of
oxygen. From this it is apparent there are two forms of glucose present, depending on the
position of its number one carbon atom and respective hydroxylic (OH) group.

With the necklace, individual links cross through each outer to form the joint. Within the cellulose
chain, individual glucose monomers have chemically linked to form a cellobiose unit by a
phenomenon called `condensation', eliminating one molecule of water between two adjoining
hydroxylic groups at carbon 1 and 4. The linking of the cellobiose units' make-up the cellulose chain

The term `the degree of polymerization (DP)' explaining the size of the cellulose chain, with xylem
being 10,000 -- by dividing the molecular weigh of cellulose by the molecular weight of one glucose
unit, a DP unit is obtained. Due to the abundance of hydroxyl groups along the cellulose chain, it has
the tendency to form intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds with adjacent cellulose chain.
Intramolecular bonds form between OH groups of linked glucose monomers, whereas intermolecular
bonds form between OH groups of adjacent cellulose chains. Groups of cellulose chains become
microfibrils which, when on-mass, make-up the cell wall layer. (See Asian Timber April 95 pg. 29).

Apparently, there are no direct chemical bonds between cellulose and hemicellulose, but sufficient
mutual adhesion is present through hydrogen bonds and other weaker electro-static bonds such as
van der Waals forces.

Hemicellulose (Polyoses)

Defining hemicellulose is just about as easy as cellulose -- it is again chains of polysaccharide units.
Whereas cellulose has a homopolysaccharide structure -- where all the polysaccharide units are the
same -- hemicellouse has a hetropolysaccharide make-up. It has a DP less than cellulose and has the
addition of "branches" from the main polymeric chain. The polysaccharides that make up the
structure of hemicellulose can be divided into groups depending on the positioned in the chain. The
groups are: pentoses, hexoses, hexuronic acids, and deoxy-hexoses.

The composition and structure of hemicellulose differ in angiospermae (hardwood) and
gymnospermae (softwood) tree species. Empirically shown, gymnosperms have higher proportions
of the sugar mannose and galactose than angiosperms, which in turn have higher proportions of
xylose and acetyl groups than the former. The basic structure of hemicellulose found in angiosperms
comprise mainly of xylose units (Xylans), linked through a similar process found in cellulose, but with
acetyl units inter dispersed and methylglucuronic acid branches. DP ranges from 100 to 200. Other
units found in association with the angiospermae xylans are rhamnose and galacturonic acid.

Other hemicellulose units found in angiosperms include glucomannans which are glucose and
mannose units forming chains (DP=60 to 70) which are slightly branched. However these have very
sporadic dispersion. Xylans found in gymnosperms lack acetyl groups, have arabinofuranose unit
side branches, and have a higher proportion of methylglucuronic acid. The DP for gymnospermae
hemicellulose is much lower, ranging from 70 to 130.

Gymnosperms also contain glucomannans, but in higher quantities than angiosperms, with the
additions of acetyl groups and galactose. Other hemicellulose units found in both types include
glucans, galactans, and pectin.


As with cellulose and hemicellulose, lignin is also a by-product of photosynthesized glucose,
converted through a complicated biosynthesis process of enzymatic reactions including oxidation and
reduction. The result is the formation of a monomeric phenylpropane unit with three varieties:
p-coumaryl, coniferyl, and sinapyl.

Lignin found in angiosperms will take on a different structure to that found in gymnosperms.
"Guaiacyl" lignin, found predominantly in gymnosperms, is a polymerization of the coniferyl
phenylpropane unit. "Guaiacyl-syringyl" lignin, typically found in many angiosperms, is a copolymer
of the coniferyl and sinapyl phenylpropane units. Lignin takes on an amorphous structure leading to a
large number of possible inter-linkages between individual units, and can be attributed to
`non-selective free radical addition and condensation', random reactions. I

nter-linking between lignin units form differently than those found in cellulose and hemicellulose.
Empirical studies have shown that ether bonds are the predominate linking agent between
phenylpropane units, although carbon-to-carbon bonds do exist. Studies have also shown that
covalent linking also exists between lignin and polysaccharides.

Complete structure

During the formation of the xylem cell, the last component to be added is lignin interpenetrating the
microfibrils thus strengthening the cell wall. Cellulose, in conjunction with hemicellulose, are
predominantly the major component of xylem, accounting for some 70% to 80% of the total, and
function as the main structural element due to their superior chemical and physical properties.

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