A history of Knowledge


"Why the old regime produced building and works of art that were graceful, beautiful and pleasing when see. Modern democratic and socialist man has created dull, ugly building, cheary strips of neon food shop. The best-selling books are comic books and the great tradition of classical died out when Igor Stravinsky passed from the scene in 1971 and since has not produced a world-respected composer. As Newton Mirow declared thirty years ago, the masses are lied to, cozened and conned by clever masters of deceit who wants to sell them bad imitations of good products and ideas, cheap. And the worst of it is that the masses are content to be cheated by their betters for they think they are happy for the first time in the history of humankind. There is some truth in those charges but not much, democratic mass man is not such fool as his so-called betters believe. He really is happier than humankind has ever been in the past, especially in the advanced and developed countries of western Europe and North America, but in other place as well."


Charles Van Doren " A history of Knowledge"
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