Donald Justice 1925 - 2004

Donald Justice Donald Justice is the author of eight books of poetry, the first five of which are represented in his New and Selected Poems, published in 1995 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. His most recent volume is the forthcoming Orpheus Hesitated Beside the Black River, to be published this year in London. He was born in Miami, Florida, in 1925 and earned degrees from the University of Miami (B.A. 1945), where he studied musical composition with Carl Ruggles, the University of North Carolina (M.A. 1947), and the University of Iowa (Ph.D. 1954). He also conducted postgraduate study at Stanford University from 1948-49. Before retiring in 1992, he held teaching positions at The University of Florida, The University of Miami, The University of Iowa, and Syracuse University among other institutions. He currently resides in Iowa City, Iowa.

"Now comes the evening of the mind.
Here are the fireflies twitching in the blood."

Les poèmes

Women in Love

Love's Strategems

Ode to a Dressmaker’s Dummy


Villanelle at Sundown

The Assassination


Henry James at the Pacific

On the death of Friends in chilhood

To a Ten-months' child

Men at Thirty

Men at Forty


"I do not think the ending can be right"

Donald Justice Books'

New & Selected Poems

Selected Poetry and Prose

Certain Solitudes : On the Poetry of Donald Justice

Selected Poems of Raeburn Miller

The Collected Poems of Henri Coulette

The Torrent and the Night Before

Childhood and Other Poems

All the poems are Copyright © by Donald Justice. All rights reserved.

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