Hotel Avon

When Brighid Was Very Young

Hello, my name is Josef Hurtubise and I would like to welcome you to the Hotel Avon. Here I hope you will find all manner of things pertaining to Popular Fiction, both Serious and Frivolous, particularly material relating to Georgette Heyer, the founder of the Regency Romance Genre. You will also find, I hope, much to do with Science Fiction, Mystery, Children's Fiction and a smattering of my own ventures into the writer's art. Indeed for the truly brave of heart you may even care to sample some of of my poetry (gasp)!! I have also included a page of links to sites reflecting my musical tastes. So - Enjoy your stay.

Regency Ring

Regency Ring
site is owned by Josef Hurtubise.

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The Return for Arabia

New Photos

New Poetry

Links to other sites on the Web

A selection of my poetry
Georgette Heyer
Science Fiction
Some of My Favourite Music
Children's Literature
I have selected a few choice poetry pages for your enjoyment
Visit with Brighid
my adopted giraffe - she might surprise you.

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� 1997 [email protected]

Aknowledgments and Links to those who have helped build this page

Background Copyright � JPayne 1997

Top Banner Copyright � Wendy A. Castleman 1997

Like my Banner? Check out Wendy's Homepage
- she has a great collection of her own water colours there (as well as some cool travel links :) )

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