Subject: Open letter to anti-military prima-donnas
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 20:48:57 -0400
From: "John J. Hogan"
Reply-To: [email protected]
Newsgroups: alt.military

Geesch. It never fails to amaze me. At the first sign of US military use (for whatever reason), the left-wingers come out of the woodwork and start whining about possible US casualties.....We AREN'T the Boy Scouts. We all understand the sacrifices we may be forced to endure due to our choice of profession.

HELLO!!!!! Where were you when we were freezing our asses off; baking in the desert heat; getting our "4 hours" sleep; enduring hardships you could only imagine in your nightmares? All because we volunteered and felt a responsibility to endure this so YOU and your families don't. I am a retired Army Chief Warrant Officer (CW2) who took my duty seriously and enjoyed doing so as a career. As have millions of others.

We aren't nut cases, society rejects or misfits. How dare you spout rhetoric about our reasons or actions. Military service is an honorable and noble profession, so get off your high horse, pull your nose down from your eyebrows and thank your lucky stars we ARE here and doing our job.

What if we didn't have a military? How long do you think we'd survive as a country? With no military, we certainly would be invaded for some other 'militarized' country's idea of adding a state to their resume. Would YOU grab your $100 BBQ spatula and fend off the 'bad guys' and protect your family? Of course not. WE do that for you and you literally spit in our faces. Get real, you cynical SOB.

Trade in your Volvo for a beater Chevy a service member is forced to drive due to low pay; leave your caring family on 2 hours notice and not see them for 4 months; bitch, but love your job because you really believe it matters. You wouldn't do it.....Too busy with an upcoming soirée at the country club or you're worried about getting that primo parking slot at the company..........

We believe and put faith in our leaders. We all take an oath. We don't have to agree with policy, but hey, that's what being a professional is all about, isn't it? Are all the lawyers, doctors, executives, etc. refusing to defend someone or refusing to treat people? Of course not........THAT'S what being a professional is all about. You sicken me, you who have no clue. I will kill or maim to accomplish my mission and get my people safely home...That's my job. Rough isn't it? So's life.......In parting, shit or get off the pot.....

John J. Hogan
CW2, Ret.

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