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Hemant - 12/10/00 09:07:20
City: New Delhi
Nationality: INDIAN, with a capital I!!!!!!

you know, paki's r all the same. they have to always give their own stupid version of what happened. its a fucking fact that india won all the wars fought, so why do paki's have to invent their own bullshit??? India is far ahead of pakistan in EVERY field, except fucking terrorism. Does pakistan have a space program? NO. Did they build their own nuclear program? NO, it was china. Have they bought any new generation combat aircraft recently? NO. Do they have naval aviation? NO. So, what the HELL do you guys do??? what r u proud of, apart from story telling? Revise your mickey mouse website, boy!

zahir - 12/10/00 08:41:31
City: dubai
Nationality: pakistani

bullshit website, fucking disgrace. we lost the war in '71. why can't paki's accept that and move on with life.

Birbal - 11/16/00 20:34:23
My Email:[email protected]
City: hindustan
Nationality: hindustani

what can i say to a asshole like you , you belong to that nation ,whose ass has been severly fucked by the IAF,and your frustration can be seen by this webpage. i can understand your pain.instead of wasting time on development of such sites ,please go home and appl some oil in your ass,so that if the IAF reads this site then you will be raped continously and furiously throughout your remaining life and those ew drops of oil will atleast help you for the first day. sapney dekna band kar, tu jhat hai(pubic hair for ur understanding) aur jhat ka hisab de....laude ka hisab mat de.pehle hi adhe lund ke hai ,usko apni undi mein rakna nahi to use bhi kat denge. kuch samjha abhi ghar ja aur oil dall ke be ready.

fools - 11/05/00 23:34:58
Nationality: Indian

You silly buggers, this site has been hacked by some fool..dont waste your time responding to it war is about misguided young men killing each other

fools - 11/05/00 23:34:49
Nationality: Indian

You silly buggers, this site has been hacked by some fool..dont waste your time responding to it war is about misguided young men killing each other

abhishek - 10/30/00 04:29:07
My Email:[email protected]
City: USA
Nationality: USA

your attitude tells that you belong to a nation that has been defeated four times and so relentlessly that your 90,000 soldiers laid down their arms. Your coward people do not have the courage to fight a full pitched battle and so you play those proxy wa of hide and seek. Who would believe such a coward as you and your nation are. Man, be brave and try to embrace your defeats. The facts suggest that your nation had the most sophisticated planes of 1971 era and your poor pilots failed to defend those machines to even subsonic planes like GNAT. Cowards only cringe... I do not blame you, their is something wrong with your nation and blood. bravery comes from blood you know...

RAJESH - 10/15/00 04:10:49


harish - 10/03/00 11:02:01
My Email:[email protected]
City: chennai
Nationality: what else INDIAN!

Never ever have I seen a greater piece of junk than today when I had the Misfortune of rummaging thro ur site.U bOZO,have u ever realised the crap u have spewn on ur seemingly holy but pertinently unholy site? It is cow... nay(why should I taint the poor animal) pig (nay why again?) pakistani shit!Spare the Israeli will u? Have u ever wondered why u still exist.Don't thank God thank the Indians who didn't allow the israelis to bomb the pigshit out of u a decade back.Go eat ,develop some brain atleast comp te with ur pigs and then come back to have ur foray with humans. ABBE AKKAL NAHIN HAI THO JAKE APNEAAP KO JALAKAR AAJA.TERE MURDE KO SUVAR BHI NAHIN KHAYENGE.SAMJHE? AUR HAAN USS SAALE MUSHARRAF KO CERELAC KHANE KO KAHNA. SAALA BHUKHA MARA PHIR RAHA HAI.

Pak-shitHater - 10/02/00 19:29:17
My Email:[email protected]
City: Delhi
Nationality: Indian

You guys are not only jackasses,shitheaps and pigshit,but also self-deluding fools living in illusions !!!!!!!!! My god,what pig-shit heaps !!!

subburaj - 10/02/00 17:00:32
My Email:[email protected]
City: chennai
Nationality: indian

go ahead till to the sky and above

Matt Stalk - 10/02/00 13:48:04
City: Pittsburg
Nationality: USA

Hello.I have just one question.Is this an Indian or a Pakistani site?Incase u have'nt noticed..the main page has some rubbish saying that the IAF lost to the PAF.Either you are extremely stupid or are subject to pakistani cyber terrorism.Your site must ha e been hacked.Could you please fix the damn page first and protect your webpage properly in the future?

George Jenista - 09/21/00 17:45:30
My Email:[email protected]
City: southeast
Nationality: USA

Hello, is there a web page for the 'Surya Kirans' military aerobatic team? Do they fly airshows overseas, such as in the USA?

r.sachin - 09/10/00 12:47:54
My Email:[email protected]
City: pondicherry
Nationality: INDIA

I'm proud to be an INDIAN not because what it is but because what it can be[INDIA's indigenousation of its millitary(lca,mca),space(gslv),etc...].Im sure INDIA would become a supperpower one day or the other.I hope that there be Permanent Peace between IN IA & PAKISTAN,after all MUSLIMS & HINDUS COEXISTED FOR 1500 YEARS. JAI HIND r.sachin.

Martin Battaliou - 03/12/99 02:10:11


Rock on people, this is a great site. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook. Keep up the good work.

Re ards
Martin Battaliou


- 01/01/99 22:32:38
Location: USA

Hello, Happy New Year! I was just at a website that offers UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS for JUST $13.95/mo!

Madhusudhan Nathan - 11/05/98 02:57:36
My Email:[email protected]
City: Kansas City
Nationality: Indian

Hi, I share your views on peace between the two coutries, but I will have to resent the comments that you have made about the IAF. In 1965 the PAF was clearly the better equipped air force and clearly scored more hits. You should know that IAF took out the P F in the 1971 war. Infact it was the IAF fly-by that forced Pakistan to Surrender. I understand and respect what you hold towards your country and airforce but that does not mean you can disparage another. cheers, -Madhusudhan

NUKE - 11/02/98 12:07:26
City: Who Cares
Nationality: Heeee

You and your site needs to be nuked..!

NITIN - 10/16/98 22:22:52
My Email:[email protected]
City: delhi
Nationality: indian

Well done you motherfucker for giving a boost to PAF and denouncing the IAF.But the facts (supposed to be),presented by you,are nothing but the figment of your imagination. Have u forget that in both the wars Pakistan was fucked by indians just like a dog fucks a bitch . But i don't blame u for what u have written on u'r homepage because it is pretty clear that u are one of those only create hills out of nothing, u bastard. one sincere advise : do improve u'r english because the errors on the page show that u' r english is as poor as u'r nation. that's it u asshole,

Parag Vohra - 10/13/98 00:57:29
My Email:[email protected]
City: Chicago
Nationality: India

Let me state initially that it was a welcome surprise to read an impartial analysis of Indian defense capabilities by a Pakistani. I have many Paki friends but none of them are informed enough to rationally argue about defense merits without lapsing into patriotic rhetoric. I am the son of an Air Force officer and hsve spent all my life on bases till I came to the States. I agree with you that PAF had the upper hand in 1965. This was mainly due to large scale destruction of Indian airsrafts on the ground, in surprise attacks on Jamnagar, Pathankot and Suratgarh AFBs. By the time IAF got off the ground the initiative was with the PAF. That was however countered by the thrust of Indian armour into Pak territory. The PAF's ground attack capability was hampered by Indian gains on the ground and IAF playing support role to armoured divisions. In 1971, however, the PAF did not enjoy air superiority over IAF. According to Jane's Defense Weekly, the number of PAF aircraft destroyed on the ground was higher than IAF. As far as air to air combat is concerned, the Gnat, a British aingle engined fig ter far out performed the Sabre which was the maost advanced plane of the PAF. One cannot make blanket statements about Pilot skills. The only possible way is to look at peace time crash data where Indian and Pakistani records have been pretty similar at least since the mid 80s. I am not aware of before that.

Jack Meoff - 10/10/98 04:05:55
My Email:[email protected]
Nationality: Indian

I do hope that your "super-duper" PAF can fly better than you can spell. And if you guys are so great then how only PAF pilots crashed during the Gulf War! Maybe the reason they have to filter people out (1% hah! heard of things such as references buddy) s because they have to deal with morons applying for the air force.

Moni - 10/09/98 01:33:49
My Email:[email protected]
City: NYC
Nationality: Indian

Nice page, I would like to see peace between India and Pakistan as well...Sure the PAF pilots were trained by the US and recieved top of the line US aircraft, India trained her own pilots and had Russian aircraft. But...Pakistan lost 4 wars to India, now he Indian Air Force totally destroyed the PAF in every war, the destruction was so horrid that no one was even allowed to fly a kite in Pakistan without the permission of the Indian Air Force. We have to remember that without a victory in the air the grou d war cannot be won that easily. Battles between India and Pakistan lasted for 3 weeks for the most, with India as the complete victor. Now also if the PAF was better than the IAF why did all PAF pilots flee to Iran in all the wars? They should have staye and fought. The IAF fought the PAF's F-104 starfighter(the best at the time) with subsonic Gnats which in all engagements shot down PAG f-104's. The only option the PAF F-104s has was to hit their afterburners and run. Therefore the IAF is better than th PAF, Indian victories in all 4 wars prove it.

- 10/03/98 21:55:50

nice job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob Mason - 10/03/98 18:46:07
City: New York
Nationality: AMERICAN

indias air foce is nothing like about putting some paf photos?anyway i have been t pakistan.indias military is 100 years behind pakistans!!!!!!!!!!!!!SUCK IT india!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MOHAMMAD mALIK - 10/03/98 18:35:47
My Email:[email protected]
City: Victoria
Nationality: Pakistani

I think you are right about what you said about spending too much on military rather than schools medicine and health.But still India is a bitter enemy of PAKISTAN.I think that the population problem is sort of the Afghanis fault.In 1964,in my city,Islamabad,it was peaceful and clean.When Russia fought Afghanistan,thousands of refugees came into Pakis an.I had gone to England and when I came back,I was shocked.The peaceful clean country was no more!But sill Pakistan has a chance if they use their heads.

bobby - 09/24/98 07:21:01
My Email:[email protected]
Nationality: indian

nice! very entertaining info, how about some PAF pictures

NINAN - 07/31/98 18:43:12
My Email:ninan_99@hotmail
Nationality: INDIAN

Your web page started with good suggestions but then silpped into bad ideas and information. The way both India and Pakistan view each other is really crazy. My opinion is that the people of both countries should come together and understand the reality. hen we fight against each other the rest of the world is laughing at us. The rest of the world is sprinting and we guys are crawling (Economically) For over 200 years we have seen foriegners dictating terms on us so we dont want that to be repeated. Kash ir is the core issue in the relation between Ind and Pak but the reality is that it is a tough issue to be settled. The best and the easiest solution is for both countries to think about reunification why should we be separated which was infuenced by the rits. Look at the discrimination after Ind & Pak conducted the n-test we are recognised as n -weapon states and sactions are imposed. So the people in the both countries should think about this whether we should be doing things which are dictated by the b g powers or decide our own destiny. So any body who is interested in doing some constructive things in bringing together the people on both the sides please send me your suggestions especially people for Pakistan.

Dheeraj Jagadev - 07/16/98 16:16:27
My Email:[email protected]
City: Manassas
Nationality: Indian

Let's pray for a united India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

IRTEZA SIDDIQUE - 07/06/98 09:52:25
My Email:[email protected]
Nationality: PAKISTANI

Good page! I want to inform all the indian people that P.A.F is far ahead from the I.A.F both in standard of training and quality of equipment.I want to know that why are the indians so much proud of indian airforce?What I suggest is that the i.a.f is the fourth biggest airforce in the world but this is the most indisciplined and poorly trained airforce in the world.I can prove this in the light of facts.Recently t e ground crew of i.a.f went on strike.I have heard this for the first time that the defence forces of a country went on strike.Still if you(indians)are not satisfied then I can prove the backwardness of i.a.f. It was 24th of june 1965 P.A.F radar picked up trackof a hostile aircraft,intruding into Pakistan air space from RANN of KUTCH.Two f86s were scrambled and the indian plane was force landed near Jangshahi(city of Pakistan).The pilot,Fl Lt Lal Chand Sikka, was repatriated on 14th of August 1965.The at present is in the P.A.F museum Karachi. This clearly exhibits the status of i.a.f and its poor training standards.On hte other hand P.A.F have a history of honour and pride.In 1965 Sqd.ldr M.M.Alam of P.A.F sh t down 5 indian fighter aircrafts with his f86 sabre in a single attempt which is a world record.He shotdown 12 indian fighters in total throughtout the war.P.A.F pilots also have the experince of shoting down the fighters of Russian Airforce during the A ghan war.There are many such facts which proves the air superiority of P.A.F over I.A.F.Moreover these facts show the skills of Pakistani Pilots and made the P.A.F the world's finest airforce.

HAROON SIDDIQUE - 07/05/98 21:35:08
My Email:[email protected]
Nationality: PAKISTANI

This site is a great effort to inform the people all over the world about the great warriors and the guardians of our air frontier.You must keep it up.This site is a great tribute to all those galant servicemen of Pakistan Airforce who fought and presented their lives in defence of Pakistan.

rajaji - 07/05/98 17:32:55
My Email:[email protected]
City: miami
Nationality: indian

With indiginisation of military technology India is hoping to mass produce military hardware and thus overwhelm the adversaries with quantity and to alter the outcome of/if there is any war at all/ of such conflict qualitatively.This is the philosophy beh nd Indo-Pak future tussle.I dont think the same can work if they engage with China since china is bigger and much stable economy with enormous resources.Quality does matter but history proves that its the quantity which finally prevails.On both sides Polt cal societies are exploiting the poor awareness and illiteracy of the masses.I dont think that the people of Pakistan and the People of India have any argument over Kashmir.They lived togather for 1000yrs with or without Kashmir.Jehangir used to spend sum ers in Kashmir and winters in Delhi.If peoples of both countries declare Kashmir as an issue non-grata the Politicians of both countries will be jobless.Lets do that.Then we will do picnic in Srinagar or Gilgit whichever will be the case.Good bye.

Rakesh Dubey - 06/11/98 23:45:27
My Email:[email protected]
City: College Station
Nationality: Indian

May be you need to update your page. India has only one aircraft carrier now, as INS Vikrant has been decomissioned.

A friend - 06/07/98 06:51:56
Nationality: indian

Good page. In a war nobody kicks asses, everybody gets kicked. (war itself is a self-defeating situation for any nation). I hope paki friends would come to realize that the two nation theory never necessarily meant two quarelling nations. Its time the whole subcontinent puts away differences, stops playing into the Western designs geared to keep them impoverished forever, and joned hands in a common Federation like effort, sharing Power, Road, Telecommunication, Water Supply/Irrigation, Health Care, Space, Informatics Development. development

subroto sengupta - 06/06/98 07:21:05
My Email:[email protected]
City: calcutta
Nationality: indian

pakistan might have kicked indias ass in air fight. but the end result was pakistan had its ass bleeding all three times. off course i need'nt tell u this. and the prediction is also that in the event of a war between india and pak, indian defence can wip the shit out of pakistan in 14 days.( FACT FACT). And know this u pak, the SU 30's have out performed the F22's. and this time all trained pilots my paki friend. so dont dare to show u r penis or balls in the open air.

Vijay Borra - 06/04/98 12:24:39
Nationality: INDIAN

Please do not make any statements without any credibility. In the 65 war, IAF had more losses than PAF only because it lacked good planes. PAF had the excellent F-86 Sabres and F-104 starfighters, while the IAF had only vintage Hunters and Mysteres. IAF pilots ARE BETTER THAN PAF PILOTS because they TRAIN MORE. Pakistan cannot afford to waste fuel. LOOK AT PAF AND IAF TODAY. IAF has double the number of planes, with each pilot trained for a decade. Look at PAF, scrambling to atleast have an airforce half the size of IAF. And, this too BY BUYING USED AND THROWN AWAY FRENCH MIRAGE III's . As far as the Siachen Glacier is concerned, it WAS, IS AND WILL FOR EVER AN INTEGRAL AND SOVEREIGN PART OF INDIA. Pakistan can never get it back. It dare not even try.

zeeshan ghulam nabi - 05/23/98 20:45:06
My Email:[email protected]
City: Cleveland
Nationality: Canadian

Assalam o alaukum, Truly a great page. You have posted a lot of nice stuff about PAF in combat. I have a list of all the Afghan/Russian planes PAF F-16s shot down during Afghan war. I can either mail the photocopies of this article or can fax it to you. Keep up good work. Khudahafiz.

Manoj Rai - 05/22/98 18:29:36
My Email:[email protected]
City: Houston, TX
Nationality: INDIAN

Dear Friend, You are my brother. It doesn't matter who will be killd by whom. Pain and pleasur has same affect on both Indians and Pakistani's. As single voter of India Ican't do much but I can persuade at least few Indians to forgive anger against Pakistan. In fact I am doing. Why don't you also do the same. We can live like friends. We can have good example of US and Canada. Please think about it. Indians are not yr. enimy. This is just an illusion for both. Yr. work shows the level of yr. creativity. Yr. real contri ution can make a great Pakistan. My efforts can make a great India. If we both can work togather , we can do much - much better. As an Indian I want to see prosparas, friendly and mighty Pakistan. Wish you all the best. Manoj K Rai (An Unknown Indian Brother)
sohail khan - 05/19/98 05:19:44
Nationality: pakistani

keep up the good work .Long live Pakistan

- 05/17/98 23:43:57
Nationality: Indian

Dear, I chanced on your site by chance. I loved a lot of what you wrote. Things like 'let India and pak spend money on hospitals, than arms. I am an Indian and very spiritual. I want us Indians and pakistanis to be like brothers and sisters. We are the sa e people, same culture, same language and similar emotions. If you mean anything on you stated on your website and are interested in doing something about it, state it on your website. I will visit it again next week. If I have a message for me there, I w ll then give you my contact information. I am sick of associations which are entirely Indian or pakistani. We need groups that have people from both sides. If we don't kill hate, it will kill both our peoples. Our mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, have suffered more than many may realise. Think about it. This from an Indian man : who can die for both India and Pakistan if that is what it will take to bring peace between these two nations. PS : If you belong to any political or religious organization, then save yourself the time. I will not be interested in that case. I am looking for a person who is spiritual.

Pranav Kedia - 05/12/98 03:59:58
Nationality: Indian

I liked and loved your comment. It was enjoyable reading it. Going through the web site, 2 things struck me 1)If there is a war, no one wins. All loose. 2)It is surprising, that the comments that you have written about India, we in childhood used to talk the same about Pakistan. It is a sad state of affairs that the two countries that are similar in so many ways are still so far apart.

- 05/12/98 03:37:16

do you have have the photo of the n bomb?

saad - 05/11/98 18:41:01
My Email:[email protected]
City: washinton d.c.
Nationality: American

Interesting comments!! however I must admit that there is a little bias on both sides. Pakistan and India are both extremely impoverished nations. We can all(Pakistanis and Indians) boast about exploits of the past but the reality of the matter is that 3 wars have not done much to change anything for either. My father was in the Pakistan special forces during the '65 war with India and he saw action over Halwara(IAF base) during an airborne assault over the Indian base. Eventhough he has faught 2 wars against India, he himself is devoid of any hatred for Indians. All of us can sit and alk about how we kicked each others asses to oblivion, but the fact remains and that we are all sitting exactly where we started 50 years ago. The reality is that neither the Pakistani nor the Indian soldiers really want to fight another war. Patriotism that indo-pak politicians are happy to use to flare up our emations) is meaningless to an average person toiling in the farms and factories of Pakistan and India. I also see a lot of mention of Israeli airforce in this homepage and countless other sites, but the fact of the matter is that with all their might and technology, the Isreali's have failed to put down a simple movement by the palestinian Masses. Pakist ni's and Indian's are no way close to spending what Israel spends per capita on each of her soldiers, so lets forget about this bashing and really focus on the essentials i.e. food, clothing and education for the unfortunate masses of Indo-pak sub-contine t. regards, Saad

Syed Rizvi - 05/10/98 16:00:02
City: Hyderabad
Nationality: Indian

I will not use this forum to insult or abuse any Pakistanis. I will, however, say that this individual is a fine example of the kind of mentality that exists among the top echelons of Pakistani regime. That is why Pakistan is a failure; and will remain so until you folks concentrate on economic welfare your poor, and social justice of your minorities and women. The next war will be won on the Economic front. You guys carry on spending disproportionate amount of your wealth on planes, missiles and tanks. Go d Luck.

Jagan - 05/05/98 07:43:01
My Email:[email protected]

The same chyuck yeager wites"india wishes to annex east pakistan and keep it for themselves" which did not happen. he wrote"indians totalled my USAF beech queen air at islamabad air port" what was the PAf doing? lot of others but no time Bye! all the best jagan

- 05/01/98 02:12:31

Since when did the Pakistani Air force learn to fly like the Israeli Infidels?

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