Chief Petty Officer's Association
Cleveland, OH

Dinner meetings are normally held once a month at various locations around the city (see dinner schedule) on the fourth Thursday of each month. Social hour commences at 1800. The meetings are held to discuss any information that involves the membership, CPO's, the Navy and camaraderie. These meeting are normally not very long and limited in content. Spouses are encouraged to attend. Door prizes are raffled off for the attending spouses.

Advanced dinner reservations are required. Raffles at the meetings help defray the cost and other expenses.

The Association is self supporting and non-profit. Monthly dues of $5.00/month is collected in advance or annually for a total of $60.00 per year.

If you are eligible, and would like to attend one of the monthly meetings contact (e-mail) us at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting.

The 2009 CPOA Officers & Trustees

OSCS Jeff Owen, USN(ret)
OSCS Jeff Owen, USN(ret)

ENC Mahoney, USN(ret)LNCS Karen Pallat, USN(ret)SKC Catherine Owen, USN
ENC Craig Mahoney USN(ret)
LNCS Karen Pallat USN(ret)
SKC Catherine Owen USN


BMC Ron Carpenter, USN(ret) ENC Bill Galland, USN(ret) HMC James Holmes, USN(ret) BMC Eric Palker, USN

TMC Bob Pallat, USN(ret) PSCS Shelly Piecuch, USN YNCS Skip Tusa, USN(ret)

Collateral Duties

CECS Jerry Murphy, USN(ret)PSC Mike Baus, USN
CPOA Chaplain
CECS Jerry Murphy USN(ret)
Store Mgr
PSC Mike Baus USN

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