Sorin Aircraft Web Site

Sorin Home Page - Sorin Air Group

The Sorin home page, as well as all the Sorin Aircraft Web Sites Network is copyrighted by Sorin Adrian Crasmarelu.

Copyright issues

Sorin Aircraft Web Site is a network of web pages which contain information and photos related to military aircraft, general aviation and related news stories, articles and other materials. The author describes this site as an editorial. While some of the pictures displayed on this site are made by the author, others are copyrighted by their respective owners.

This is a free website meant to satisfy a part of the huge interest and passion of aviation fans from all over the world. It is apolitical, non-governmental and independent. The pages were written by the author alone, in his spare time, thanks to his passion and nothing more.

I hope you will enjoy reading these roughly 300 pages, as well as all the photos and stories which you can find there. You can always drop me a line regarding the site - may it be your personal message, corrections, or just to say hi.

Don't forget that this website is not limited to the index page and the latest news pages. This site contains around 300 web pages, including aircraft pages, pages about me, news, airshows and so on. Check them out and have fun.


Some of the pictures used in my pages are the ones I had since many years ago in my personal archives at home, downloaded from the Internet or gathered from friends. Therefore I can not track the authors of each and every picture displayed within my pages. This is a free website dedicated mainly to aviation; therefore, considering what I also stated above, please do not feel very angry if you see your photo displayed here without any credits.

If you see your own picture on a page and I forgot to mention your name, please e-mail me about where your picture can be found, the date and place where you took it and also your full name and I would be more than happy to clarify things.


You can always e-mail me at raptorian99 [at] hotmail [dot] com.

Please note that I answer all e-mails. If you do not receive a reply within 30 days, it means I did not receive your e-mail. Make sure the title and content of the message would not be mistaken as spam by the providers of the e-mail service.

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Sorin Aircraft Web Sites Network is Copyright copyright 1998-2006 by Sorin A. Crasmarelu

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