Introduction of T.S. Brilliant


Training Ship "Brilliant" of the Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps was established on 1st July, 1996. Before the formation of T.S. Brilliant, there was only one unit, T.S. Ark Royal that held training at Saturday in the Seaman Training Centre. As the Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps was expanding in Tuen Mun District, in order to fully utilize the facilities of the centre and coup with more cadets, T.S. Brilliant was formed and have training at Sunday. At the early stage after her establishment, the unit's first Commanding Officer, Lieutenant YU Ka-wa and First Lieutenant, Sub-Lieutenant Anthony CHENG Sui-kwong had run a series of training to the eight newly-promoted instructors and set up it's administrative system. In January 1997, the unit have it's First New Entry Cadets Recruitment, and training starts at March, while passing-out at September. Now we have already organized Five New Entry Cadets Training Course during the past years.

The unit's weekly training and activities include Footdrill, Discipline, Naval Custom, Seamanship, Communiction, Sea Survival and Fire Fighting. In the past years, the unit had partcipated several Community Services, including flag-selling raffles, Community Chest Walk for Million and Community Chest Bauhinia Day; and in summer, representing Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps to participate the International Exchange Programmes at Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

The total strength of T.S. Brilliant currently: 1 officers, 6 instructors and around 20 cadets, and routine training is helded every Sunday afternoon (1400-1800) at Seamen Training Centre, Tai Lam Chung, Tuen Mun.


HMS BrilliantHMS Brilliant was the third of the 4,000-ton type 22 frigate class of the Royal Navy. Launched on 15th December, 1978, she was commissioned on 15th May, 1981. In 1982 the ship was included in the Falklands task force as an escort. In this role she distinguished herself by participating in the attack on Argentinian sub Santa Fe with one of her helicopters, and by shooting down several enemy A4 Skyhawks. Primarily an ASW vessel, she was armed with Seawolf launchers that provided good AA capabilities. HMS Brilliant was sold in 1996 to the Brazilian Navy where she is currently serving.

Chinese version
Organization of T.S. Brilliant
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