This beautiful plaque and others like it throughout Tyler's Memorial
were graciously made by Iwona A. & Jan Malczewski.

Hi Carol:
Needless to say that words mean little when you lose your best 'bud'...
thought I'd just stop by to let you know your loss of Tyler is also felt
here.......although I have never met neither you nor Ty, there was one
common path we shared that makes me feel like I did know the
reading of your e-mail it sounds as if some of the common training ground
we shared brought both you and Ty bountiful joyous moments.
Hopefully those happy times of fond memories that Tyler provided will
somewhat sustain you until the broken heartedness heals.......
the attached card?.......could it be that it conveying an underlying message?....

the violet echoes one's feelings of saddness
the granite stone echoes the strength (of heart) that hopefully comes in due time
the happy yellow golden seeds of the flowers echo the joy of past memories
as well as a restoration of new hope to follow......
God Bless, Carol
Sincerely Mike

Carol, I'm so very sorry to hear about Tyler.
He'll be watching over you from Heaven now, safe
with the Lord, till time for you to meet again.
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless- Kim

Dear Carol, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of your Sweet Gentle
Tyler. My heart goes out to you, I know you loved him so much.
I know words won't help to ease the pain, but please know I am
thinking of you. It seems so unfair, he was so young.
Know he is with you in spirit and in your heart.
Take Care....Hugs...Louise

Hello - Carol
I for one do know what you have been going through - and the only way
I can express my sympathy is by giving you this little item - hope you
like it, and will add it to your pages.

All the best

My deepest Sympathies Carol,
I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could say
to make you feel better, but at the moment I am at a loss for words.
Please know I feel your pain and am very deeply sorry.

Losing a True Friend

I know how it feels to lose someone,
Someone who has been there for you for so long;
I know it seems like tears are all you have,
And that you may never enjoy another song;
But remember the good times that you shared,
And know that he really knew you cared.
There is really no greater bond
Than dog and man (or woman,) Fond
is the person of such a joy
A true and warm pal, be it girl or boy
And if someone says "it was just a dog"
Just walk away---tact like a frog!
Remember when you are really blue
Your dog's in heaven, he's there for you
And when in time you climb those stairs
He'll be there so you say your prayers!
And do not fret and do not stew
You've One True Friend Waiting FOR YOU!

Poem by M.J.M. (30) 1999

Your Friend, Kelly

I'm so so so sorry to hear about Tyler - me deepest condolences
and greatest sympathies go out to you and to your dobergirls.
Hang in there, this is really tough, and really unfair.
Tyler knows how much you loved him, and I'm sure that he's
looking down on you from Rainbow Bridge and smiling right now.
He's in a good place now. Simon and I send out our best.


Dear Carol,
I saw Aretha's post on the board about Tyler's passing.
I don't know what to say, except I am so sorry, I know how much you
loved him and how proud of him you were. I just recently read your post
about taking him out places and people asking if he would bite, and all
the attention he got and how he loved it.
He was so young, and it was so sudden. You must be devastated.
Please know that you and Tyler are in my thoughts and prayers.


I was so saddened to hear of Tylers death. It is so hard to lose one,
especially one so young and so suddenly. To lose the really special ones
(not that they arent all special) is like losing a part of yourself.

You and I both have certainly had our share of losses in the past year or two.
We just lost a very special horse two weeks ago.
I am still a bit in shock from that loss.
If there is anything I can do, listen, or whatever, just let me know.


Dear Carol,
I'm so sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you.
Time will heal your pain and create a special place
in your heart for the friend you have lost.

Hugs, Inge Craik

Dear Carol,
I hope this finds you well & feeling somewhat better...

Please accept my apologies for the late response (we've all been down with an
"icky" virus for a couple of weeks).

ALso, please accept my most heartfeld, sincere condolences on the crossing of
Ty. I know what you are going through. Had my first Dobergirl from a 5 wk
pup till she was 18-1/2. It took months for the stabbing pain in my heart &
the waves of tears to stop. Then our beloved rescue Doberboy crossed about 1
yr ago. Again I was devastated - I mean I could hardly stand or walk for
days - just cry & cry & cry.

Sounds like Ty had a wonderful life with you & that
should bring you some comfort.
Here is a lovely writing that helped me considerably in the healing process.
I hope & trust it will help you too! I wish I could do something more to
help. Geez, it's times like this that friends just feel absolutely at wits
end to help & there's nothing really that we can do except be there for each other.


Please check the POEM PAGE for an absolutely
beautiful poem "A Place for Us".

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