Lajes, Azores, Portugal

Lajes is located on Terceira Island in the Portuguese Archipelago of the Azores, which is a collection of nine islands. The islands are located in the mid-Atlantic some 2,300 miles east of New York and 900 miles west of Lisbon, Portugal. Lajes field was a multi task force on an Air Force base, however the Navy is no longer there in strong force. Lajes Field is an inportant link between the United States, Europe, Africa, and Southwest Asia.

I was stationed here from June 1990, after going to bootcamp and AG "A" school, til September of 1991. I was very lucky to have received orders here after "A" school, especially since almost everyone else was going to sea. There were no regreats in taking the orders because the island is very beautiful and full of life. The island itself is small and the joke was you could have a full tank of gas when you left the base, get lost and still get home without running out of gas. When you travel around though there is so much more that it is hard to describe except beautiful and tropical.

To read more about Terceira just click and you will be off to the 65th Air Force Page.

Bull Fighting is unique in the Portuguese world because the bull is not killed. During town festivals, the bull is let loose in the streets and chased throught the center of town with only a rope on its neck. The Azoreans attempt to taunt the bull by pulling on the rope, service members and their dependents however are not allowed to participate.

Please enjoy the pictures of the island and the base. There are only a few now, but more will be coming soon.

Overview picture of Lajes Field

Overview of Praia The streets of Praia

The roads of Lajes

Angra Bay Three Sisters

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