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*Matt leaping over the middle rail at city hall

*Here Matt is clearing the right rail by a foot.

*The final pic in the Matt series, ivy grind

*Me grinding a flat rail in Springfield

*Matt coming off of the same rail

*Raditude sucks.

*Travis at Eckert's

*Travis at Eckert's 2

*Travis with a nice arm

*Travis 3

*Travis 4

*Travis 5

*Travis 6

*Cameron at Chenga

*Craig Billingsley at Eckert's

*Yet another dodge photo of Travis.

*No-footer at Chenga courtesy of Travis.

*Travis X-ing it up at Dodge.

*Travis with a no-footed can-can at Chenga

*Cameron at Dodge Skatepark in Columbus

*Nosedivin' and spear chuckin', 2nd box at Chenga

Photos from our Tennessee road trip:

*Travis grinding a stair drop

*Kenny doing a no-footed feeble

*Travis double peg grinding an angle iron curb

*My friend Adam from Tenn chillin in the 100 degree heat

*Matt reliving the 80's with a framestand grind

*Our goofy friend Luke, the only guy we know who ditches during gaps

*Me doing the same gap as Luke

*Travis wall riding under a bridge downtown, the Chili Peppers would be proud

*Matt grinding a guard rail near our hotel

*Me riding the wall that nearly killed me

*Some kid doing a tabletop at the grands track in Louisville, KY

*Adam getting in on the wall ride action

*Me grinding a yellow flat rail

*Travis doing an X-up over the third straight tabletop in Louisville

*Me doing a nofooter over the same jump

*Travis doing an icepick

*Me grinding the guardrail at the BP station

*Kenny with a mean one handed feeble grind

Chenga World Photos

Travis tobogganing the middle box of the rhythm

PUSH local, Jason Hartman, turndown

Same PUSH guy no footed cancan

Travis nosediving the first box

Me driving the bus, hard to see

Local kid, Anthony Lilo, doing nothing

Some pics from miscellaneous places

*The lower half of Matt smith grinding our big grind box

*Travis jumping over Matt's hood and X-ing it up while he's at it

*Travis hitting the big doubles at Eckerts trails in Hilliard

Me with a 270 X-up at 888 trails

Me barspinning the 4th set in the main 16 pack

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