6.3.09 - It's summer! I applied for an internship recently. Updated Pencil Doodles and Galleries.

5.7.09 - It's my birthday! Updated Other Stuff with some fan art! Yay!

4.25.09 - I just read that Geocities will be closing later this year. I'll have to transfer my stuff over to the other webhosting system Yahoo has. Until then... Pencil Doodles and Galleries updated.

3.27.09 - Hey, I visited WonderCon a few weeks ago! It was fun! I don't think I'll go to ComicCon though, that would be HUGE. Updated the Pencil Doodles and Galleries. Note: If you are interested in my next T&T game, you may not want to look at the new doodles yet. It would ruin some of the surprise, you see.

2.21.09 - Boink. Updated Pencil Doodles and Galleries.

1.18.09 - I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I sure did. Updated Pencil Doodles and Galleries.

12.15.08 - Computer Art updated, and a new gallery up.

11.22.08 - The new site is one year old, as of November 4th! Woo! Pencil Doodles, Galleries, and Other Stuff updated. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

10.17.08 - I'm working on drawing Halloween costumes for some of my characters! Pencil Doodles updated. New gallery, plus some other galleries updated.

10.05.08 - New section: Other Stuff! Right now it just has two pictures I got for my birthday, and a boss I made for the game FRAXY. I also added a new gallery.

9.19.08 - Well, it's school time again (started a few weeks ago actually). Pencil Doodles, Computer Art, and Galleries updated. P.S. Yarr, I missed Talk Like A Pirate Day.

8.25.08 - End of a vacation for me. Not summer vacation yet, just a family vacation. Check out the somewhat improved index! Pencil Doodles and Galleries updated.

8.10.08 - I added an RSS Feed! No other updates besides that.

7.26.08 - Yesterday was the end of another mascoting gig at VBS! Pencil Doodles, Galleries and Computer Art updated. There's a new gallery, too!

7.10.08 -
Happy Independence Day! Sorry it's so late...
Pencil Doodles, Galleries, and Written Work updated.

6.29.08 - My scanner is fixed! New Pencil Doodles, and some gallery updates too.

6.14.08 - Added a new gallery, and a guestbook. I can't update Pencil Doodles, my scanner broke! That stinks.

5.18.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles, and added a new section - Galleries!

4.25.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles and Written Work.

4.11.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles and Written Work.

3.16.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles and Computer Art.

3.02.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles.

2.03.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles and Computer Art. Also added an Update Archives page - not really much to look at there, though. :P

1.25.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles.

1.19.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles and Computer Art.

1.12.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles.

1.06.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles. Created and updated Computer Art, and Written Work.

1.05.08 - Updated Pencil Doodles.

12.27.07 - Updated Pencil Doodles.

12.15.07 - Updated Pencil Doodles.

12.09.07 - Updated Pencil Doodles.

11.29.07 - Updated Pencil Doodles.

11.14.07 - Updated Pencil Doodles.

11.04.07 - Created and updated Pencil Doodles.

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