Homestar Runner is a web-based Flash cartoon by the Brothers Chaps. I started watching Homestar Runner when the Strong Bad Email "army" came out. Check out the Homestar Runner Wiki for more information.

Doodled 1.16.08 - Strong Bad - Strong Bad from Homestar Runner.

Doodled 1.16.08 - Strong Bodzha - What you get if Strong Bad and a Bodzha Brother had a transporter malfunction. Weird!

Doodled 8.28.06 - Trogdor - The Burninator! From Homestar Runner, of course.

Doodled 8.28.06 - Trogdork - Troggie's freshman year. Nerdinating the locker room!

Doodled 8.25.07 - Hogdor the Baconator - I saw some sign for Wendy's advertising a burger called the "Baconator". Shortly afterwards...

Doodled 9.16.08 - Homestar Runner - The titular character of... Homestar Runner! He's a terrific athlete!

Doodled 9.16.08 - The King of Town - The lazy, food-loving king from Homestar Runner.

Doodled 9.16.08 - King of Town's Castle

Doodled 9.16.08 - Nebulon - No one likes his style. From Homestar Runner.

Doodled 11.09.08 - Trogtree - An eyeball tree as Trogdor! I just hope it doesn't burninate itself with its costume.

Doodled 12.28.08 - Strong Bad #2 - Everyone's favorite wrestleman.


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