"Bull's Eye"


            "Hey Sakura!" Madison called as she ran to catch up.  "Wait up!"

            "Oh, hello Madison," Sakura greeted.

            "So, are you going today?" Madison asked.

            "Going where?" Sakura replied.

            "To the archery contest," Madison answered.

            "Well of course I am," Sakura said.  "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

            "Look, there's Li and Meilin," Madison said.

            "Hi Sakura," Li said.

            "Are you guys going to come with us after school?" Madison asked.

            "Yup," Meilin answered.  "We can't wait."

            The bell rings and they walk into class.  They are surprised to see Miss Mackenzie sitting at the teacher's desk.  Before going to their desks, they ask why she is still here.

            "I will explain everything once class begins," she replied.  When all the students were seated, Miss Mackenzie explained the situation.  "The teacher's convention has been held over for another day, so Mr. Turada won't be back for another two days."

            The students all talked excitedly.  It's not that didn't like having Mr. Turada as a teacher, but they knew that whenever Miss Mackenzie was teaching, they could always expect her to do something different.

            "Now," Miss Mackenzie said.  "Let's begin the day with Science."  The students groaned.  "Remember that you just went on a cruise.  It's time to learn."

            "But Miss Mackenzie," a student asked.  "You always have something special for us to do."

            "I'm sorry," Miss Mackenzie replied.  "But I don't want Mr. Turada to come back disappointed."  The students looked at her with big puppy dog eyes.  "Would it be better if we studied outside?  We could mix Science and Art."  Everyone cheered.  "Today's assignment is to learn the parts of plants.  If you look inside your book on page 45, there is a diagram of a flower with all it's parts.  First, I want you all to find a flower, making sure you also get the stem.  I then want you to see if you can locate all the parts of the flower, drawing a picture of the flower with all its parts.  For art, you can draw anything as long as there is a lot of plant life included.  I also want you to focus on shading.  Okay, let's head out.  Sakura, Li, Madison, and Meilin, could you help me carry the microscopes?"

            "Sure Miss Mackenzie," Sakura replied.

            "Why is she making us carry these with her?" Li whispered to Sakura as they walked down the hall.

            "Come on Li," Sakura said.  "I'm sure it's nothing.  Besides, Miss Mackenzie's not so bad."

            "I'm telling you Sakura," Li said.  "I don't like the feeling I get from her."

            "Well, until you can prove she's bad," Sakura replied.  "Lighten up."

            "One more thing," Miss Mackenzie said when everyone was outside.  "Because we are combining two classes, we'll probably have more than enough time to accomplish both activities.  So, I will quiz you on the parts of a plant.  It will be extra credit, but if you don't do well, we will return to class and study from the book.  Now begin."

            The students excitedly ran throughout the school yard looking for the perfect flower.  Once many had finished dissecting and drawing their flower, they began their art project.  Most students would pose up in a tree, sitting in a flower bed, or something else for other students to draw.  Once that was all completed, Miss Mackenzie quizzed the class, not only on flower parts, but on what plants needed in order to live.  She also quizzed them on art.  Satisfied with how they performed, she allowed them to have free time for the remainder of the period.

            "Let's go see if Julien is practicing," Sakura said.

            They ran to the fence separating their school from the high school.  Sure enough, Julien was there, along with other archers, practicing for the competition.  They watched as a student walked and stood next to Julien.  He took out an arrow and prepared to fire.

            "Ha," Sakura gasped.

            "What's the matter Sakura?" Madison asked.

            "I…I just thought I sensed a Clow Card," Sakura replied.  "Did you feel it Li?"

            "I think so," Li said.  "Did you feel it when that guy came up to Julien?"

            "Yeah," Sakura answered.

            "We'd better keep our eyes open," Li said.

            They decided to go back and play with the other students.  At the end of the day, they walked to the high school.

            "Hey, Sakura," Meilin said.  "Shouldn't you get Kero?"

            "Huh?" Sakura replied.  "Oh, right.  Thanks Meilin.  Save me a seat okay?"

            Sakura strapped on her skates and went home.  She ran up the stairs with her skates on and into her room.

            "Let's go Kero," Sakura said as she grabbed him and bolted out the door.

            "Hey!" Kero said angrily.  "What's with the rush?  I was in the middle of fighting the last boss!"    

            "You can always play the game again," Sakura said.

            "Shouldn't you be watching the archery contest?" Kero asked.

            "Yes," Sakura answered.  "But I needed to get you because Li and I think that a Clow Card's going to appear at the competition."

            "Smart thinking," Kero said.

            "It was Meilin who reminded me," Sakura said.  "So, you should congratulate her."

            Sakura raced to the stands and almost knocked over a couple people in the process.  She was moving so fast, however, that she didn't see the tree branch.  She tripped, but someone caught her.

            "Still as clumsy as ever," said a voice.

            Sakura looked up to see Tori holding her.  "Tori!  Thanks for catching me."

            "Not a problem," Tori said.  "But you need to be more careful."

            "I will," Sakura said.  She was about to join her friends, but Tori was staring at her hand.  "What?"

            "You went home just to get that?" Tori said.

            "I…I thought it would bring Julien good luck," Sakura replied.

            "Uh huh," Tori said not convinced.  "You've really got to stop bringing that doll with you."  He walked away to see Julien.

            "That was close," Sakura said.

            "A little too close," Kero added.

            "What took you so long?" Meilin said as Sakura took her seat.

            "I uh…I ran into Tori," Sakura said.  "Did I miss anything?"

            "They haven't started the competition yet," Madison answered.  "But they have introduced the contestants."

            "What number is Julien?" Sakura asked.

            "Eight," Madison answered.

            "Any sign of the guy we saw earlier," Sakura inquired.

            "Yeah," Li said.  "He's the last archer, number thirteen."

            "Ssh," Meilin said.  "The announcer is about to come on again."

            "Ladies and Gentlemen!" the announcer spoke.  "The time has come to determine the finest archer in our division.  Let the competition begin!"

            It was a very exciting day.  Julien was obviously the best, but number thirteen seemed to be tying him in every round. 

            "Don't you think it's odd that the guy Julien's tied with is using the same arrow every time?" Meilin said.

            "You know," Sakura said.  "I didn't even notice."

"Do you think he's cheating?" Madison asked.

"I'm thinking something else," Li said.  "I agree with Meilin, and I think he has the Clow Card."

"He's too far away," Kero said.  "If you can get me closer to him, I bet I can figure out which card he has."

Sakura and the others left the stands and snuck into the archery tent.  They waited until the archer walked in.  Kero floated up and knew.

"It's the Arrow Card," Kero said.

"Arrow," Sakura whispered.

"Do you think he knows?" Madison asked.

"I doubt it," Li answered.  "But it does seem like he knows that arrow is different from normal arrows."

"What are we going to do?" Meilin inquired.

"We can't attack first," Kero said.  "We have to wait for Arrow."

"But Kero," Sakura protested.

"If you try to capture it now, you'll reveal yourself," Kero explained.  "Besides, we can use the confusion Arrow will surely cause to our advantage."

"Hey," Meilin said.  "He's leaving."

They went to the entrance of the tent and watched the final round there.  Julien was up first.  He aimed, fired, and hit the target dead on.  The crowd cheered so loudly that it was obvious he was their favorite.  Julien turned to the audience and humbly smiled.  Finally came the challenger.  He fired his arrow, but instead of hitting the target, it stopped.  Everyone gasped in amazement.  The arrow turned around and shot towards Julien.  Tori, however, was able to push Julien aside, getting hit in the arm in the process.  The arrow would not give up.  It pulled itself out from the wall and targeted Julien again.  As before, Tori saved Julien, but not before Arrow hit him on the side.

Sakura ran out of the tent.  "Tori! Julien!"

"I'll be fine squirt," Tori said clutching his side.  "Where's Julien?"

"I'm right here," Julien replied.  "Thanks man."

"Any day," Tori said. 

"What's up with that arrow," Julien said.  "It's like possessed or something."

"Sakura!" Meilin and Madison warned.  "Look out!"

Arrow was once again flying towards Julien.  Sakura didn't know what to do, but she didn't have to worry long.  Li came out of nowhere and kick Arrow off course.  Of course, people were beginning to panic.

"Julien," Sakura said.  "Please take Tori somewhere safe."

"What about you?" Julien asked.

"I have to go back and get Meilin and Madison," she replied.  "Don't worry about me Tori.  I can take care of myself."

Julien helped Tori up and they walked away.

"Li, now!" Kero said.

"Cloud Card…surround us with your blanket!"

Cloud encircled the team and Arrow.  Arrow floated into the air, but it could not see past Cloud's cover.  Arrow turned around and shot itself at Li, but Sakura swung at it with her staff.

"Arrow Card!" Sakura shouted.  "Show your true form!"  The arrow floated into the air and changed.  "You're going to pay for hurting my brother!  Shadow…Release and Dispel…Shadow!"

Shadow slithered on the ground and tried to pounce on Arrow.  Arrow, however, shot itself through Shadow.  It then went after Sakura.

"Ah!" Sakura cried.  "Jump Card…Release and Dispel…Jump!" 

Arrow tried again, but Sakura jumped out of the way.  It then realized that Li and Sakura seemed to be getting away.  It decided to change targets and charged for Madison.  Madison tried to escape, but Arrow was able to cut her leg.

"Madison!" Sakura cried.  "That's it!  Windy…trap Arrow in your current…Windy!"

Windy burst from its card and surrounded Arrow.  It spiraled around it and chained it.

"Arrow Card…Return to your power confined…Arrow Card!"

After sealing the card, Sakura ran to Madison.

"Is it bad?" she asked.

"Not really," Madison replied.

"I'm sorry you were involved in all of this," Sakura said.

"Don't be," Madison replied.  "Besides, I was able to catch the whole thing on video."

"Oh, Madison," Sakura said.

The next day, Sakura brought Tori his breakfast.

"You really don't have to feed me," Tori said.

"Sure I do," Sakura said.  "The doctor said you're not supposed to move much."  After a little silence, Sakura spoke.  "You know Tori.  I'm pretty lucky to have a brother like you."

"Really?" Tori said.

"Of course," Sakura said.  "I mean, what you did for Julien was amazing.  If you'd do that for a friend, then you'd obviously risk your life for me too, and I've realized that you've always tried to protect me."

"That's what older brothers are for," Tori replied.

"I just wanted to say thanks for everything," Sakura said as she hugged him.

"Sakura," Tori called as she walked to the door.  "You're not such a bad sister either."

Sakura smiled and left. 


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