Here’s a better description of the story.  Twenty friends are transported to an Anime world by the High Council of Good because the High Council of Evil is taking over.  They take on the bodies of different characters from Final Fantasy Tactics.  You will see references of other Anime and games, but it is mainly based on FFT.

            The twenty friends take on names of different Anime characters and are split into four groups.  Each group is teleported to one of the four continents to retrieve a certain crystal.  Well, I hope that cleared up just about everything.


“The Forgotten Tower”


            The continent of Numara was mostly covered with mountains.  Because of its location, the weather was like a year long winter.  Rowen’s team arrived on the southern shore of Numara a few minutes after being teleported from the High Palace.

            “Holy…”Chichiri said.  “How can anyone live here?”  The others were thinking the same think.  As soon as they materialized, they had goose bumps on their skin. 

            “We’d better find shelter before we freeze to death,” Aeris said.

            “Well leader,” Rei said.  “Lead the way.”

            The four warriors followed Rowen along the coast.  No long after, he spotted a small village.  To stay warm, they all ran as fast as their legs could carry them.  At the very center of the village was a large hut with a blazing fire inside.  Not knowing what the people would think of them, they sneaked into the hut when no one was looking. 

            “I’m never going to leave this place,” Chichiri said.  “They must be crazy sending us here.  I bet the others are all basking on some sandy beach.”

            “You complain way to much,” Aeris said.

            “Look who’s taking,” he retorted.

            “What do you mean by that,” she questioned.

            “Stop arguing,” Rowen said.

            “We do have more important things to do,” Tamahome followed.  “Once we rest up, we have to leave.”

            “Where do we go from here?” Aeris asked.

            “Do you think the natives will help us?” Rei asked.

            “Probably not after we entered their hut with out permission,” Rowen answered.

            “What do we have here?,” came a voice from the door.  The group turned to see who spoke.  “Who may I ask are you?”

            “I am Rowen, and these are companions.  We are sorry for intruding, but we saw your village from the distance.  We’re sorry for not asking.”

            “That is all right,” he answered.  “I like having visitors…even unexpected ones.  My, you all looked famished.”

            “We’ve haven’t eaten for awhile,” Tamahome said.  “But we don’t want to trouble you.”

            “We’ll be gone once we’ve warmed up,” Aeris said.

            “Non sense,” the man said.  “It is no trouble at all.  Besides, I live in this hut all by my self, and I would like someone to talk to.  You all look like you come from the other continents.  I’d love to hear what it’s like there.  I’ve never left this village once.”

            “No, really,” Rowen said.  “We do need to…”

            “Wait a minute,” Chichiri interrupted.  “If the man wants us to stay, then it would be rude not to accept.”

            “I guess we accept,” Rowen conceded.

            Before everyone began dinner, the old man spoke.  “I am sorry.  I did not even introduce myself.  I am Tai, the village elder.”  The others looked at each other.  “Is there something wrong?”

            “No,” Tamahome answered.  “It’s just that we know someone else with that name.

            “The village elder huh?” Rei said.  “Then we must apologize for not introducing ourselves properly.  I am Rei, Ninja warrior.”

            “I am Tamahome, Bard of the Heavens.”

            “I’m Aeris, Dragoner of Dragoners.”

            “This is Chichiri, Time Mage unique, speaking.”

            “And once again, I am Rowen, Master Summoner.”

            “You’re quite the group, but something tells me you’re not here for vacation.”

            “We’re looking for the Sacred Crystal of Life,” Rowen replied.

            Tai’s eyes widened.  “Why are you looking for the Sacred Crystal of Life?”

            “Do not be alarmed,” Aeris said.  “We have been sent by the High Council of Good.  They chose us to save this planet form The High Council of Evil.”

            “How can I be sure you’re telling the truth?” Tai questioned.

            “Listen man,” Chichiri said.  “We came light years away to save your planet, and we’re going to do it.”

            “You are very worked up about this,” Tai said.

            “He just wants to go home,” Rei replied.  “The High Council of Good cannot return us to our world until the High Council of Evil loses its power.”

            “I can see you do not lie,” Tai said.  “By looking into your eyes.  The thing you look for lies further north.  To get there, however, you past pass through the Cave of Mystery.“

            “The Cave of Mystery?” Chichiri said.

            “Deep within the Cave of Mystery is the Forgotten Tower,” Tai said.  “Once long ago, the Frozen Pillar was actually the tower of a mighty King, and the continent of Numara was the most beautiful of the four.  He would frequent the tower, but no one really knew why.  Legend has it that on day, the King went to the tower and was gone for several weeks.  The Queen sent soldiers to see what happened to him.  Almost a month passed, and stills no word of the soldiers.  Then, one fateful night, the Queen awoke.  She shivered as she sat in her bed.  Walking to close her balcony door, she saw a wave of Ice and snow come rushing towards her Kingdom.  She sent all the wizards, but they could not stop it.  The whole continent was frozen in less than two days.”

            “But how can there be people still living here?” Aeris asked.

            “As you will later notice, this is the only village left,” he answered.  “We have been able to survive for so long because of the fire that now warms you.”

            “But how?” Ivan asked.

            “This is no ordinary fire,” Tai replied.  “This fire was lit by one of the High Councilmen because he had a daughter that lived here.  Ever since then, no harm has ever come to our village.”

            “What’s so special about this tower then?” Chichiri asked.  “I’m sure it’s probably all ruins by now.”

            “Come,” Tai said.  “I must show you something.”  Tai lead them to the Northern most part of the village.  He pointed to a spot above the mountains.  “Now, wait for the moon to come into position.”

            They waited seconds before they saw an amazing sight.  Right before their eyes stood a tower taller than the mountains.  No snow covered its top, and no ice clung to its walls.  The spiral design of the tower sparkled like a thousand jewels under the moon’s radiant light.

            “How is that possible?” Rei asked.

            “No one knows,” Tai said.  “Many believe, however, that whoever or whatever did this is still in that tower.  No one is brave enough to find out the truth.”

            “That’s why we’re here,” Chichiri said.

            “I warn you,” Tai said.  “You are about to face great power.  You must proceed with caution, for if this being can freeze a whole continent, he is not to be taken lightly.  Also, no one knows what has become of the land past the Forgotten Tower.  The danger there may be greater than any you will ever face.”

            “If that is what we must do get the Sacred Crystal, then we’ll do it,” Ivan said.

            “Yeah,” Tamahome agreed.  “Monster or no monster, nothing will stop us!”

            “I admire your courageous hearts,” Tai said.  “But courage alone will not help you win.  I would like you to have this.” Tai took a gold pendant out of his pocket.  “This too was given by the High Councilman long ago.  It should grant you access to the tower.”

            “Thank you for all you have done,” Rei said.

            “If it will help restore our land’s former glory,” Tai replied.   “I will do all I can to help.”

            “Alright guys,” Rowen said.  We leave first thing tomorrow morning.”




            “Well, here we are,” Tamahome said.  “The Cave of Mystery.”

            “What are we waiting for,” Chichiri said.

            “After you,” Aeris said.

            “Why me?” he replied.  “Rowen’s the leader.”

            “Chicken!” Rei coughed.  The others laughed.

            “Very funny,” Chichiri said.

            “No more fooling around,” Rowen said.  “Is everyone ready?”  They all took out their weapons.

            Chichiri released his Magmar, but had to take him back because he was melting the ice.  Rowen summoned Mogri, not to heal, but because the aura that surrounded it shed the light they needed.  They team did not face any trouble while walking through the cave.

            “This place gives me the creeps,” Aeris said.

            As soon as she said that, many bats came flying through a crack in the wall.  Both girls screamed and almost caused a cave in.

            “Who’s chicken now,” Chichiri said.

            “Shut up!” both girls yelled.

            “I think we’re almost there,” Rowen told the others.

            Chichiri saw a light and ran towards it.  “OUCH!!!”

            “That’s what you get,” Tamahome said.

            “There must be some kind of force field surrounding the tower,” Rei said.

            “No really,” Chichiri said.

            “Watch your mouth,” Rei said.

            “Stop it guys,” Rowen said.  “If we’re gonna succeed, then you guys have to stop arguing.  Aeris, use the pendant.”

            Aeris took out the pendant and held it in front of her.  The pendant began to glow, and a hole opened up in the force field.  “That was easier than I thought.”

            As they approached the door, two gargoyles on the nearest ledge came to life and attacked them.  “Easy huh,” Chichiri said.

            “Let’s concentrate,” Rowen said.  “Chichiri…Rei go after the one on the right.  You two follow me.”


            “Double Strike!” Rei said.  She jumped in the air and attacked the gargoyle.  She, however, didn’t make a scratch.  “Careful Chichiri!  They’re tougher than they look.

            “I can take care of him no problem,” Chichiri said.  Before he could cast a spell, the gargoyle struck him down.

            “Stop gloating and pay attention,” Rei scolded.  With incredible speed and agility, she ran up the side of the tower and jumped onto the back of the gargoyle.  “Hurry up!  I can’t hold on forever.”

            “Take this!” Chichiri said.  “Don’t Move!”  Rei jumped off in time to escape being smashed into thousands of pieces, just like the gargoyle.

            “Nice one,” Rei applauded.



            “Here he comes,” Aeris said.

            “Tamahome,” Rowen ordered.  “Now!”

            “Magic Song!”  Tamahome’s song strengthened his allies.

            “Lightning Breath!”  Aeris attacked her enemy with A surge of electricity.  The gargoyle saw it coming, however, and dodged it.  It extended its claws and slashed Aeris on the arm.  It then struck Tamahome with its tail.

            “Aeris! Tamahome!” Rowen cried.  “You’re not going to get away with that!  Diamond Dust!  Shiva!”  Shiva the spirit of ice appeared and blasted the girls with large chunks of ice, smashing against the wall.  “Healing Light!  Mogri!”  Mogri came and healed Aeris’s and Tamahome’s wounds.

            “They were easier than I thought,” Chichiri said as he walked towards the others.

            “Yeah,” Tamahome agreed.  “But whoever brought those things to life must be extremely powerful.  We better me more careful than we first planned.”

            “You ok Aeris?” Rowen asked.

            “Thanks to you and Mogri,” Aeris replied.  “My cut healed fully.”

            “Hey guys!” Rei called.

            The others ran to her.  They found Rei standing in front of an open door.

            “What the…” Chichiri said.  “Who opened the door?”

            “That’s what I wanted to show you,” Rei said.  “After we defeated the gargoyles, the doors just opened automatically.”

            “Either the gargoyles were the door handles,” Tamahome said.  “Or…we’re being expected.”

            “Let’s not waste any more time,” Rowen said.

            Once inside the tower, they found that the only things there were a spiral staircase that extended from the walls and a huge hole that they believed lead to a bottomless pit.  There was also no handrails on the stairs.  The team proceeded and kept all there senses alert.  About half way up the stairs, Rei ordered the others to stop.

            “What’s the big idea?” Chichiri asked.

            “Quiet!” Rei said.  “I hear something.”

            The others stopped to see if Rei was right.

            “I don’t hear anything,” Tamahome said.  “But I wouldn’t doubt you.  Since you are a Ninja, you have better hearing.”

            “Rei’s just hearing things,” Chichiri said.  “She’s probably just playing a trick on us.”

            “I know I heard something,” Rei said. 

            “Let’s just keep going,” Chichiri said.  He began to walk and passed the others.  Suddenly, a large gust of wind came storming down from above.  The four who hadn’t moved were able to grab onto the torch holders, but Chichiri wasn’t so lucky.  Because he was the farthest up, the wind hit him harder than the others.  He was swept off his fit, and he fell.  “Somebody help!”

            “Quick!” Rowen ordered.  “Someone do something.  I’ll try to hold off the wind.  Diamond Dust!  Shiva!”  Shiva materialized next to Rowen and blasted the raging air, turning it into little ice crystals.

            “I’ve got it!” Aeris said.  “Ivysaur…GO!!!”  Ivysaur popped out of his pokeball and used its vine whip to catch Chichiri.

            “What took you so long!” Chichiri said angrily and exhausted from screaming.

            “Hey, at least we saved you,” Aeris said.  “You should thank us.  Ok, Ivysaur. Return.”

            “Next time,” Rei said.  “Listen before you act.  Think too.”

            “We’re almost there guys,” Rowen said.  “No matter what is up there, we have to let loose all our heavy artillery.  We may not know much, but we can still beat this thing.”

            They walked the rest of the way up obstacle free.  At the top of the staircase were a door and another set of stairs.  Being the quickest, Rei investigated and found that the stairs led to a balcony.  The door, was no bigger than the average adult.  It was, however, decorated with odd symbols.

            “They must prevent intruders from entering,” Tamahome said.

            “Symbols or not,” Chichiri said.  “Why don’t we just knock down the damn door?”

            “Well,” Rowen said.  “We can’t get too cocky or be too hasty.  These symbols may come in handy in the future.”  Rowen quickly scribbled the symbols onto a scroll that he carried in one of his large inner robe pockets.  “Rei, throw a shuriken at it.”

            Rei took out a shuriken and threw it at the door.  At first, it seemed that nothing would happen because the shuriken reached the door.  A few seconds later, it disintegrated. 

            “Now we know its secret,” Rowen said.  “As long as we don’t touch it, we’ll be fine.”

            “Then how are we supposed to open it?” Chichiri said.

            “Wait a minute,” Rowen said.  “Just because we can’t touch it, doesn’t mean we can’t open it.  Rei, do you have anything more powerful to throw?”

            “Let me see…” Rei searched her many hidden pockets.  “Here we go.  Lightning Ball!”  Rei threw a yellow baseball sized orb at the door.  Upon impact, the orb exploded and lightning shot out in every direction, obliterating the door to splinters.

            “Damn!” Chichiri explained.  “We need to use that more often.”

            “Come in,” said a voice from within the room.

            “So,” Aeris said.  “You did know we were here.”

            “How could I not,” said the voice.

            As soon as all the debris settled, and the dust had cleared, the team saw the first look of their enemy.

            “Tai!” they all exclaimed at once.

            “That’s right,” Tai said.

            “But why?” Aeris questioned.  “And how?”

            “I did tell you that I was the village elder,” Tai said.  “But I did not tell you hold old I was.  I am 500 years old.”

            “Are you responsible for all this?” Rowen asked.

            “Yes I am,” Tai said.  “Now I shall tell you my story.  Long ago, when I was just twenty-five, I was betrothed to the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.”

            “The High Councilman’s daughter,” Tamahome said.

            “Correct,” Tai replied.  “Any way,  a month before our wedding, my lady disappeared.  I searched everywhere, and for many days.  One day, a spirit came to me.  He told me that if I gave him my body, he take my to the one I loved.  Desperate to find her, I agreed.  The spirit took me to the tower and led me to the room.  Inside, I found my love on the floor dead.  The king was there, and he had blood on his hand.  In blind rage, I charged him and knocked him unconscious.  I did not kill him, but instead, using the spirit’s power I sealed him like I sealed the rest of this continent.”

            Tai walked up to a curtain behind him an pulled it.  Behind the curtain was the king, trapped in ice.

            “You beast!” Aeris shouted.

            “Why did you help us out?” Rei asked.

            “It has been awhile since anyone has wished to pass through the Forgotten Tower.  I figured some exercise would do me some good.”  Tai replied.

            “You’ll find that we’re more than exercise,” Chichiri said.

            “Only by defeating me can you release the curse on the king and continent,” Tai said.

            “Then get ready to,” Rowen said.  “Cause we’re not leaving ‘till we win.”

            Chichiri started the battle by casting Haste on all his friends, one at a time.  Tamahome then sang his Magic Song.  Rei threw a flurry of shurikens at Tai, but he froze them before they came anywhere near him.     

            “Did you really think you could get me with those?” Tai said.

            “Let’s turn the tables,” Chichiri said.  “Don’t Move!”  Chichiri had a lot of confidence that his spell would work, but Tai reflected it with an ice mirror.  Now, Chichiri was hit by his own spell.

            “I see ice is your theme here,” Aeris said.  “Well try to freeze this.  Fire Bracelet!”  Tai created an ice wall that curved so that when Aeris melted it, a wave of water rushed down on her.

            “Here’s something that new to both you and me,” Rowen said.  “Thunder Storm!  Quetzacotyl!”  A large yellow-green bird crashed through the roof and fired bolts of lightning at Tai, who countered by freezing the lightning.  “That’s not possible!”

            Rei attacked again by turning invisible.  Knowing that his enemy could be anywhere, tai sent ripples of ice pillars around the room, striking the others as well as Rei.

            “You are pathetic!” Tai said.  “You were not even a simple work out.”

            “No one gets rid of us that easily,” Aeris said.  “Aeris calls Ivysaur!”

            “Raticate Go!” Rei commanded.

            “Let’s do it! Magmar!” Chichiri cried.

            “It’s time to shine,” Tamahome said.  “Dugtrio!”

            “Here we come!” Rowen said.  “Pikachu, I choose you!”

            “Don’t make me laugh,” Tai said.  “You think these little pests can defeat me?”  Tai fired ice blades at the Pokemon.

            “FLAMETHROWER,” Chichiri said.  “Magmar!”  Magmar melted the ice in time for the other Pokemon to attack. 

            “Dugtrio,” Tamahome ordered.  “Use DIG attack!”  Dugtrio burrowed into the ground and resurfaced beneath Tai so fast that Tai was un able to escape the blow.

            “Our turn,” Aeris and Rei said together.  “Ivysaur, RAZOR LEAF!”  “Use HYPER FANG Raticate!”  Raticate jumped at Tai and bit him hard enough so that he was paralyzed.  Ivysaur came next and shot his super sharp leaves, knocking Tai into a bookcase.

            “It’s up to you Pikachu,” Rowen said.  “THUNDERBOLT!”  Pikachu gathered the electric energy in his cheeks and fired a large bolt of lightning that left Tai on the floor with smoke rising from his body.

            “We did it,” Aeris said.

            “You…can’t…beat…me,” Tai said.

            “How can he survive?” Rei said.

            “I…have…no more…use…for this…body,” Tai said.  The spirit that possessed him left his body.  Tai slouched to the floor and lay motionless. 

            “A wolf?” Chichiri exclaimed.

            “I am Ashitare,” he said.  “This kingdom was supposed to be mine.  But noooooooo Mr. King here had to take it all away by trapping me in this wolf’s body.  Since then I plotted to make everyone pay.”

            “Why would the king want to stop you?” Rowen asked.

            “I have to admit,” Ashitare explained.  “That I wasn’t the nicest person on Numara.  I suppose it was because I serve the High Council of Evil!”

            “The High Council?” Aeris explained.  “If you work for them, then taking you down makes you even more of an enemy.”

            “Do you realize that in my true form,” Ashitare said.  “That I am more powerful?”

            “We don’t care how powerful you are?” Tamahome said.  “All you evil people are all the same.”

            “If that’s what you think,” Ashitare said.  “Now you’ll face my wrath.”

            “Bring…it…on!” Rowen said.

            Ashitare roared a mighty roar.  It was strong enough to cause parts of the ceiling to come crashing down.  Although everyone was able to dodge the falling ceiling, Rei tripped over a stool and almost fell out of a window.  Lucky for her, Tamahome was close enough to stop her.  Ashitare laughed and roared again.  This time, the waves were directed at the Pokemon.  The others had to call them back to protect their little friends.  Rei tried to take the offensive, but Ashitare grabbed her foot and slammed her down on the cold stone floor.  It was miracle when the others saw her still moving.  Because Rei and Aeris were best friends, Aeris went ballistic. 

            “You’ll pay for that!” she cried.  “Ice Bracelet! Fire Bracelet! Lightning Bracelet!”  One after the other, Aeris let loose her magical breaths.  Ashitare began to spin.  He kept spinning until he created a whirlwind that reflected the breaths back to Aeris.  “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!”

            “Fools,” Ashitare said.  “What else can you so?”


            “Harp Attack!”

            “Diamond Dust!  Shiva!”

            Once his comrades where hastened, Tamahome attacked with his magical harp, and Rowen’s Shiva relentlessly beat down on Ashitare with her ice.  Using his super agility and speed, Ashitare was able to dodge all the attacks.  Wolwrath then went around the room, slashing the three heroes.

            “I am victorious,” Ashitare said.  “I must say that you were more of a challenge than I had first expected, but you were still no match.”

            “We’re not dead yet,” Rowen said.  “As long as our hearts still beat, we have a chance.”

            “Then I’ll make sure they stop right now,” Ashitare replied.

            “Not…if I…have something…to say about it,” Rei said.  Everyone looked at Rei, who was trying to stand.  Once she was able to stand up, she crossed her arms on her chest.  The glowing aura that surrounded her startled everyone.

            “What is she doing?” Ashitare said.  “I made sure she couldn’t do anything!”

            “Rowen!” Aeris said.  “Could this be Rei’s Limit Break?”

            “I believe it is,” Rowen said.  “If she can do it, so can we.”

            Ignoring all their cuts, bruises, burns, and other injuries, the other four stood up.  Auras began to surround them also.

            “WHITE WIND!!!” Rei cried.  A soft breeze arose from nowhere and surrounded the team, healing their wounds.

            Seeing this, Wolwrath took action and charged towards them.

            “SEAL EVIL!!!” Aeris shouted.  In an instance, Ashitare was paralyzed and stopped dead in his tracks.  He was extremely worried at this point.

            “BLOOD FANG!!!” Chichiri said.  Chichiri transformed into a re wolf and hyper-charged his enemy.

            “BEAT RUSH!!!” Tamahome placed his harp on his back, ran to Wolwrath, and attacked with a punch combo.

            “CROSS-SLASH!!!”  Rowen’s staff turned into a sword.  He then stuck Wolwrath with different slashes that made a Japanese symbol.

            Wolwrath began to shake.  “What’s happening to me?”

            “You’re going to hell,” Chichiri said.

            “Before I go,” Ashitare said.  “I must applaud you.  You handled this very well, but beware.  There are other creatures of evil that lurk on this continent, some even more powerful than me.”  With that, Ashitare exploded, and his remains disappeared.

            “If he was that hard,” Aeris said.  “Think of how powerful the High Council will be.”

            “Don’t worry about,” Rowen said.  “When the time comes for the final battle, we will be fighting with the others.”

            “We will also be stronger,” Rei followed.  “And we’ll also know knew abilities.”

            “You guys are right,” Aeris said.  “After all, as long as we stay together, nothing can stop us.”

            “Uh, guys,” Chichiri said.

            The others turned to look where Chichiri was standing.  They noticed that the ice prison of the king was melting.

            “The curse is wearing off,” Tamahome said.

            Rei ran to a window and looked out.  “The ice outside the tower is melting also.”

            “The spell may be broken,” Rowen said.  “But it will take a lot of work to restore this country to its original beauty.”

            “Let’s see if we can speed up the melting process,” Aeris said.  “Fire Bracelet!”  The ice melted at a much quicker pace, and the king was set free.

            The first thing the king did was to take a nice, long, deep breath of fresh air.  “Aaah.  How I have missed that.  Why hello young fellows.  I am King Hotohori, and I must thank you for saving my life.”

            “What’s are you going to do,” Aeris asked.  “Now that you are free?”

            “I am going to see if I can recruit people from the other countries and try to restore this place,” Hotohori answered.

            “But the other countries have pledged their allegiance to the High Council already,” Tamahome said.

            “I am aware of that,” Hotohori replied.  “There are, however, some kingdoms that are in hiding.  They will be able to assist me.  Also, if there is anything I can do, just ask.”

            “Thank you,” Rowen said.  “We must be on our way now.”

            “Wait,” Hotohori said.  “There is something I must give you.”  Hotohori walked to a chest in the back of the room and opened it.  “This is a magical pearl.  Not only will it show you the way to the Sacred Crystal, but it will also ward off any undead creatures.

            “Than you again,” Rowen said.  “Well guys, let’s head out.”

            “Good bye, King Hotohori!” Aeris said.

            “Farewell,” Hotohori replied.

            “Hold on,” Rei said.  “What will happen to Tai?”

            “You cannot help him,” Hotohori answered.  “It is up to the spirits’ of Numara to decide the fate of his soul.”

            “I hope he is reunited with the one he loved,” Tamahome said.

            “I don’t,” Chichiri said.  “Look what he did to this place, not to mention he almost killed us.  If you ask me, he can’t rot in hell for all I care.”

            “How can you say that?” Aeris said.  “He was a desperate man.  He wanted to save his love.  It wasn’t even really him who was fighting us!”

            “Whatever,” Chichiri said.  “He shouldn’t have let that demon possess him in the first place.”

            “Wouldn’t you have done the same for someone you love?” Hotohori asked.

            “Of course not,” Chichiri said.  “For one, I don’t have anyone that special.  Second, I would do my best to save her…without the help of a demon.  After all, you can’t trust them.”

            “So you would let her die?” Aeris said.

            “In Tai’s case,” Chichiri replied.  “She was already dead.”

            “But what if the king could have brought her back to life?” Aeris said.

            “Tai would have found the tower some day,” Chichiri said.  “And if he had never let the demon help him, maybe the king could have helped.”

            “But…” Aeris was about to say.

            “He is right,” Hotohori interrupted.  “Had Tai never accepted the help of Wolwrath, I could have saved her.  She was not dead when Tai arrived.  Your friend is thinking with a clear head…Something I believe he doesn’t do much.”  The others giggled.  “It just goes to show that even people like him can right at times, and you can’t always be right.”

            “I’m sorry,” Aeris said.

            “No problem,” Chichiri replied.  “I know for a fact that there is someone who’d do anything to save you if you were in danger.”  Rowen stared at Chichiri.

            “Who?” she asked.

            “That’s between him, and the rest of us who know,” Chichiri answered.

            “If you don’t tell me,” Aeris demanded.  “I’ll kill you.”

            “Sorry,” Chichiri said.  “But a promise is a promise.  I can’t tell you unless he wants me to.”

            “So,” Aeris said.  “You all know who he is.  Do the others know?”

            “I believe they do,” Chichiri answered.

            “I will find out,” Aeris said.

            “You can figure out who it is later,” Rowen said.  “Right know, the Sacred Crystal is our top priority.”

            After saying their final farewells, the team left.  They exited the tower and walked through a tunnel that had opened up behind the tower.  At the exit, they felt and saw something they though they had missed for days…sunlight.                    

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