The Flower of Life

The Flower of Life:

The Creator of Every Living Thing

The Flower of Life symbol was found at the The Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt.

In two-dimensional terms it is drawn as 19 interconnecting circles.

The core of it is the Seed of Life, which are the 7 circles in the center. The Seed of Life is a depiction of a cell that starts as one but multiplies into eight by the 4th generation. It is depicted as seven circles two dimensionally because the eighth one is behind the one in the middle.

The mathematical sequence by which all cells in every living thing from embryos to branches divide is the Fibonacci Sequence, which is 1,2,3,5,8,13,21, where a number is the sum of the two numbers before it. Cell division is NOT simply a cell producing a double, and that one in turn producing a double, which is can be expressed by the geometric sequence 2 to the Xth power, X being the number of the generation. The F-sequence division is much slower. It is almost as if one generation of cells "reads" the previous number of cells that have been made in the organism, and that number is used to determine what the number in the next generation is to be, which is the next number in the F-sequence.

The F-sequence is also known as the Golden Triangle sequence because the numbers correlate to the heights of equilateral triangles that double the length of their sides. For example, if the height of Equilateral Triangle One is 3, the height of Equilateral Triangle Two is 5 when the length of the sides are doubled.

Contrary to what you may have learned in your basic chemistry classes and TV documentaries, molecules are NOT little round spheres (atoms) connected to each other with little sticks in between them holding them together. This is just a popular image that somebody marketed to sell a lot of those chemistry sets where you put together your own molecules like lego using wooden balls and sticks.

Molecules have four basic shapes: a line like a stick, which may or may not be bent at some point; a cube; a multi-hedron sphere; or some variation of a triangle-based or square-based pyramid. The triangle-based pyramid, the tetrahedron, is the basic shape of all organic things because the carbon atom has four bonds at 120-degree angles. Methane, CH4, is the most basic organic molecule because it is carbon with four hydrogens at the bonds, making a perfect tetrahedron. It is because carbon forms tetrahedronal molecules (which are four-sided at 60-degree angles to each other) that DNA can exist. DNA, being a long string molecule, twists and turns in a spiral because the tetrahedronal shape of basic carbon molecules allow "curves" in the string at 60-degree angles. This is why we say that life is "carbon-based", because without this essential feature, you could not have the spiral that is DNA.

Thus, the basic shape of life is a tetrahderon, which is actually four equilateral triangles making a three-dimensional object. The equilateral triangle is the geometric shape in which the Fibonacci sequence is inherent in (aka the Golden Triangle sequence). The Golden triangle sequence is the sequence by which all living things multiply by "reading" the number of cells the entire organism has already produced, and looking at the next number in the sequence to determine how many more new cells to produce. In essence, all of the math and geometry that life needs to exist is inherent in the equilateral triangle.

The Mind of God is an equilateral triangle, which is the geometric shape that all life is based on, which is why the Mind of God is in all of us.

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