Conversations Between The Traveller and Simpleman

"The Dogon Tribe--Visited by Aliens?"

The DOGON Tribe - Traveller READ!!


As our reigning Extra-Terrestrial descendant (biased opinion); I have some information I'd like your comment on.

You peaked my curiosity recently about the Pyramids and the salt water erosion theory you mentioned which would date them back to pre-Ice Age timeframes, that I started doing a lot of "research" on the subject (as much as any hard core armchair Internet scientist could do)! I found some interesting information out there, from the bizarre to the impossible. One that sort of caught my attention was the reference to the DOGON TRIBE of Timbuktu, a place I honestly thought didn't exist...shows my knowledge of Geometry huh (joke people...just a joke)??? :-)

Anyway, this DOGON Tribe is said to have had knowledge of the Sirius B star for at least a thousand years, perhaps longer. Interestingly, we have only recently "discovered" Sirius B (1978) using new high powered telescopes. DOGONn legend describes Sirius B as small, bright star that is the heaviest thing in existance. In reality, Sirius B is a White Dwarf one of the most dense forms of matter known!

Now Sirius B isn't visible to the naked eye, so it's not like they just saw it through a telescope some time ago. When asked how they have knowledge of the stars the DOGON say that they were visited by beings from Siriur B and this is why they know that there is also a Sirius C which they call "Emma ye"(sp). These amphibious beings came to earth thousands of years ago (they claim) and their legend says they will return. If that weren't enough, they describe Jupitors moons stating an incorrect number if I recall correctly; Saturns Rings and the fact that Milky Way is spiral shaped...things a "primitive tribe" would have no knowledge of!

Stranger still, in the 1920's several astronomers claimed to have actually seen this third star, but later verification could not be made. Only recently (1980's) did we come to understand the concept of a Red Dwarf star, which burns brightly every so many years. Red Dwarfs also happen to be circular the DOGON describe their "Emma Ye"(sp). So the thought now, is that the astronomers in the 1920's may actually have seen a Red Dwarf that has remains undectable today because of the bright Sirius B that is "out shining" it.

Do you have any reference to this in your family history? I mean, seeing as how you are obviously a descendant of the "Ancient Ones" you have any reference in your family diaries about the DOGON and their legends? :-)

Seriously, I'd like to hear what you have to say about this oddity. Could the "Ancient Ones" actually have been the ones the DOGON refer to? What do you think?

The Traveller's Reply

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