Space, Time, and Quantum Tone

(Hyperspace Slipping)

The nature of our universe is that everything exists in threes. The illusion of a diametrical universe is just a product of our dualistic thinking for the past several millenia because of religious concepts like "good" and "evil". But if you really consider it, between any two polarities there is always something in the middle, like hot, warm, cold or black, grey, white. There are even three primary colors: blue, red, yellow, where blue is the negative of yellow and red is neither.

Likewise your location in the universe is determined by three coordinates. NOT by length, width, and height as you may be thinking. These are in fact one coordinate. The second coordinate is time. The third coordinate is quantum tone.

What is quantum tone? According to Superstring Theory, all elementary particles are either closed loops or open strings of energy, and superdimensions other than the basic length, width, and height are packed into them and can't be accessed beyond the perimeter of the particle (in other words, these superdimensions exist only at the subatomic level). But that's another story. What is important here is that all particles, since they are loops or strings of energy, vibrate at a certain frequency (or "tone"), and all of the matter in the plane that we occupy vibrates at the same frequency: 7.46 Htz.

If you changed the quantum tone of an object, that object will no longer exist in our plane, but it won't be destroyed either. Instead, it will shift into a plane where all of the matter resonates at that quantum tone. On that other plane, you will still be in the same place you were before, but things may be very different. For example, there may be ocean where there were mountains, or a forest where there was a desert.

Quantum tone shifting is analogous to changing octaves on a musical instrument. It is also very easy to do. However, if it is not done correctly, the shifted object will resonate "off-key" (like a bad note), and the object will shift between planes at undesired moments.

We have had this technology since 1943. Where we got it from is another story.

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