
It�s no secret that gravity warps space. Massive objects stretch and bend it so that light bends as well. Inside the event horizon of a black hole the gravitational force is so strong that the three space dimensions are inverted into three separate time dimensions, and our single time dimension is inverted into one space dimension: a straight line towards the center of the black hole. If you weren�t instantly atomized by the force inside the event horizon, you would exist in a straight line and probably perceive three different yous existing in three different times. If Supergravity exists, it can be created using exotic matter that we haven�t discovered yet as the target of the devastating energy of a very powerful accelerator, according to Superstring theory. Localized spacewarping without the presence of a black hole to screw things up would probably produce some very interesting effects. How about time travel, for one, and travelling at the spped of a gravity wave (lightspeed) for another? Moreover, after we generate a Supergravity field, what effects would we get if we harnessed that field and amplified it into beams like we do to a laser? It is a form of radiation after all, according to Superstring theory. The nature of gravity is to warp space, just like it is the nature of a laser to burn matter or cause a current in a metal. If we have the ability to warp any distant point in space that we wished we would effectively be able to BRING THAT LOCATION TO US. This method can be used for interstellar travel because after you release your hold on your location (turn your generator off), space would snap back to its original position and you would instantly find yourself at the location you selected.

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