We Are Our Mothers

The Eternal Mitochondria

When living organisms first evolved they were one with God because they did not die or grow old and did not need food because they drew their energy direclty from electric fields.

However, when they got their first taste of methanol, they began to die (but they enjoyed it), and began to wander outisde of their electric field paradises. This is when they began to evolve chloroplasts and mitochondria, the organelles inside cells which transform sugars into electrical and heat energy to be used by the cell. Of course, this is when they first started to eat, because they no longer could draw energy directly from electric fields.

The mitochondria is inherited fom the mother. When the sperm is eaten by the egg, just the chromosomes are combined with the egg; everything else is dissolved. The mitochondria which is our energy furnace is inherited from the mother's egg, and is the same as our mothers because the egg multiples into the embryo which is us.

That's why women have an intimate relationship with eating, and this is what the story in Genesis picks up on. The nature of the mitochondria is to eat, and the mitochindria is the generator of life, which is female.

We are our mothers!

� 1999 [email protected]

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