Colin Douthwaite
1930 - 1999
        |               /~~\      |
        =                ;) |     |
      /_                 \_/     |
        ///                     |
        ~~~                    |
         /                    |
        /_____              |
              \          /     -cfbd-
Colin Douthwaite, aka 'cfbd', was an avid enthusiast of ASCII art.
This archive is just a small tribute to a man who contributed so much.
We'll miss you, Colin.
 contributed by Erik-- Wicked ASCII Art
                                   "His name will truly live on forever online!"

           _....- - """ - -...._
        .-'  o    o    o    o   '-.
       /  o     *    o        o    \
      /  o   o    \      o  o     o \
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ ~~~~~  +----  ~
       (___)     //  \\      |   ||      Beefburger
       (x x)   //      \\    +-/@||
     \~ \ / ~~ m ~~~~~~ m ~~~    ^^ ~/
      \  O  -`.__.`-~`._.~`-`~.-~. '/    -after jgs-
       `-.                       .-'
          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Well, the globe didn't look quite round enough on my 80 x 24 monochrome
monitor so I put your horse back into Laura's globe and put some
snow back in there again...

     .-"" o .""-.
    / ` . | . '  \
   | '  _ |,;;;/  |
   | ,;( )_ )~\| .|
   `.' // |\\  . ,'
     \ `` | '' ./      -Laura Michaels/jgs-
     /          \

>Here's my try at it:

>     __________________,.............,
>    /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/,-',  ,. -,-,--/|
>   /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/,-' //  /-| / /--/ /
>  /_/_/_/_/_/_/,-' `-''--'  `' '--/ /
> /_/_/_/_/_/_,:................../ /
> |________,'       -Shimrod      |/
>          """""""""""""""""""""""'

How about leaving more of the wrapper on ?

   /  .-. ,  ,.--. .-,/_/_/_/_/_/,-',  ,. -,-,-- /|
  /  /   /- //  / /  ._/_/_/_/,-' //  /-| / /-- / /
 /  `-' '  '`--' '-'_'/_/_/,-' `-''--'  `' '-- / /
/..................'_/_/_,:.................. / /
|               .'_|_|_|_;     -Shimrod      | /
"""""""""""""""""         '"""""""""""""""""""'

Joan Stark wrote:

>   ,   #                                                     _
>  (\\_(^>                            _.                    >(')__,
>  (_(__)           ||          _.||~~ {^--^}.-._._.---.__.-;(_~_/
>     ||   (\../)   ||  (\(__)/)  ||   {6 6 }.')' (. )' ).-`  ||
>   __||____(oo)____||___`(QQ)'___||___( v  )._('.) ( .' )____||__
>   --||----"- "----||----)  (----||----`-.''(.' .( ' ) .)----||--
>   __||__@(    )___||___(o  o)___||______#`(.'( . ( (',)_____||__
>   --||----"--"----||----`--'----||-------'\_.).(_.). )------||--
>     ||            ||       `||~|||~~|""||  `W W    W W      ||jgs
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>          "My Barnyard" * Joan Stark * [email protected]
>      ascii art gallery:  http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/

 See you around the funny farm!

                       (/~~\)        - CT                (/~~\)
                      ((0  0))                          ((O  O))___
        ,_______------/ |  |                              \  /     ~~~
   #  //             /  (oo)                              (oo)\    #
 --#---x---x---x---x---x---- --< >   >_,<  ->,_<  -x---x---x---x---#--
   #     | |     | |     | |   (oo)  (oo)   (oo) -              \  #
 --#---x---x---x---x---x--x--x (..) /(o_o)-(o_o)\ -x---x---x---x---#--
  \#// \\|~~   \\~ ~/// .../ ||W--'||  \||/// ||/- \\\\\|||/// \|/#\||

                       (/~~\)                            (/~~\)
                      ((0  0))              __          ((O  O))___
        ,_______------/ |  |              '/..\^          \  /     ~~~
   #  //             /# (oo)         #    ( 00.)    #     (oo)\    #
 --#---x---x---x---x--#--x--x----x---#--x-" -- "--x-#--x---x---x---#--
   #  |   __________  # |            #    ( .  )    #           \  #
 --#  | /           \ # |            #    (\__/)    #            | #--
 \#/  \|/  \\||//  \#/   \\\||/   \||///    \\#|//   \\\\-cfbd-//|/#\|

     [  cows by CT,  pig by Daniel C. Au,  diddling by me  !  ]

                                                         ((O  O))___
                                                           \  /     ~~~
  #                 #                         #            (--)\    #
  #                 #                         #                  \  #
 \#/  \|/  \\||//  \#/   \\\||/   \||///    \\#|//   \\\\\|||/// \|/#\|
             O u t s t a n d i n g   i n   t h e   f i e l d !

            No animals were                       >_,<
            killed in                             (oo)
            the creation or               ,-------(._.)
            testing of                   / |     ||
            this picture!               *  ||W--'||

From: [email protected] (Colin Douthwaite)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Bull request.
Date: 19 Jul 1996 19:09:31 GMT

    /                       \
  /X/                       \X\
 |XX\         _____         /XX|
 |XXX\     _/       \_     /XXX|___________
  \XXXXXXX             XXXXXXX/            \\\
    \XXXX    /     \    XXXXX/                \\\
         |   0     0   |                         \
          |           |                           \
           \         /                            |______//
            \       /                             |
             | O_O | \                            |
              \ _ /   \________________           |
                         | |  | |      \         /
   No Bullshit,          / |  / |       \______/
    Please...            \ |  \ |        \ |  \ |
                       __| |__| |      __| |__| |
                       |___||___|      |___||___|

|                           |
|        NO  CRAPPING       |
|                           |
|           __  __          |
|           \ \/ /          |
|            >  <           |
|           / /\ \          |
|          /_/  \_\         |
|                           |
|                 (___)     |
|                 (o o)     |
|         /--------\ /      |
|       * o|      ||O       |
|          ||,----||        |
|       ooo^^     ^^        |
|                           |
|                           |

|                            |
|                            |
|          ACHTUNG !         |
|                            |
|      KRAPPEN  VERBOTEN     |
|                            |
|          __     __         |
|          \ \   / /         |
|           \ \ / /          |
|            >   <           |
|           / / \ \          |
|          / /   \ \         |
|         /_/     \_\        |
|                            |
|                 (___)      |
|                 (o o)      |
|         /--------\ /       |
|       * o|      ||O        |
|          ||,----||         |
|       ooo^^     ^^         |
|                            |
|                            |

|                            |
|                            |
|                            |
|       NO  BULLSHIT !!!     |
|                            |
|          __     __         |
|          \ \   / /         |
|           \ \ / /          |
|            >   <           |
|           / / \ \          |
|          / /   \ \         |
|         /_/     \_\        |
!                            |
|                            |
|                 (___)      |
|                 (o o)      |
|         /--------\ /       |
|       * o|      ||O        |
|          ||,----||         |
|       ooo^^     ^^         |
|                            |
|                            |

        The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky.
        The rose may kiss the butterfly.
        The morning dew may kiss the grass.
        And you my friend may...

                   .         .
                   |         |
                   j    :    l
                  /           \
                 /             \
                Y       .       Y
                |       |       |
                l "----~Y~----" !
                 \      |      /
                  Y     |     Y   -Row
                  |     I     |


                    >I have a Scooby... but I'm afraid he kindof looks like a
kangaroo too.
>             /\/\
>            /, \ \
>            \\|/_/_
>           .`  (o)o) _...._ __
>           |    ~ ~''      `\_)
>           |                 |
>           |     `-.        /
>           |        `--.___/
>           |     `.      |
>          _/______|``---'
>         (_________)  _
>    jgs /          \`(_)
>       /            \

Yeah, now you come to mention it there is a slight resemblance...

                                    /, \ \
                                   .`  (o)o) _...._ __
                                   |    ~ ~''      `\_)
                                   |                 |
                                   |     `-.        /
                                   |       `--.___/
                                  /    `.      |
                                _/____/ ``---'
                               /    /`(_)
                              /    /
                   _ _ _ - - '    /
                /                 ~ '~ ~ ~\
             /                     /  ~ \/~
           /                       ~ '~ ~ ~ ~\
          |                         / ~ ~ \/~
         |   /                     /
        |   | {                   /
       |   |  :                 /
      |   |    :              /
      |  |     |            /
      |  |     |          /
      |  |    /         /
      |  |   /      _ /
      |  |  <      /
      |  |   \    |
     |  /     \    \
  _./ /         \    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \
/__ /             ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I guess I ought to join in this " My First Ascii Art " game because
someone requested it.

I tend to be a collector and diddler rather than a creative ascii-
artist but I have done a few originals and I think  " The Lamprey "
was my first ever original.

Someone was trying to create a new newsgroup named "alt.lampreys"
and opponents said the idea was stupid.

I had to find out what a lamprey actually was because it was being
said that lampreys liked biting cows. Anyway, here is my Very Own
Lamprey of mid-1993 vintage...

                          _,-,,__,- ~~~~~- _ _
        _,,,,           (                    ~~-_
     ,'''   O ',        '~',__   _ _,,,'''--_    -_
   _'_ _ _      ',            ''' '         ~-_    -
 (         ),  /  ',                           -_   ',
  ~"'"'"'"~  ',  /  ',                         _-   _'
               ',  /  '-,_,,,_,,_,,__ ,_ _ _ ,-   _-
                 ',                             _-   -cfbd-
      lamprey       '-,-,.,_.,_, _ ,,_ , -'-'-''

And the interpretation that Colin did of me as a response to
Joan's try...got to love this man :))

>And finally- how about this for an ascii representation of you?  ;)

>                  ,#####,
>                  #_   _#
>                  |a` `a|
>                  |  u  |
>                  \  =  /
>                  |\___/|
>         ___ ____/:     :\____ ___
>       .'   `.-===-\   /-===-.`   '.
>      /      .-"""""-.-"""""-.      \
>     /'             =:=             '\
>   .'  ' .:    o   -=:=-   o    :. '  `.
>   (.'   /'. '-.....-'-.....-' .'\   '.)
>   /' ._/   ".     --:--     ."   \_. '\
>  |  .'|      ".  ---:---  ."      |'.  |
>  |  : |       |  ---:---  |       | :  |
>   \ : |       |_____._____|       | : /
>   /   (       |----|------|       )   \
>  /... .|      |    |      |      |. ...\
> |::::/'' jgs /     |       \     ''\::::|
> '""""       /'    .L_      `\       """"'
>            /'-.,__/` `\__..-'\
>           ;      /     \      ;
>           :     /       \     |
>           |    /         \.   |
>           |`../           |  ,/
>           ( _ )           |  _)
>           |   |           |   |
>           |___|           \___|
>           :===|            |==|
>            \  /            |__|
>            /\/\           /"""`8.__
>            |oo|           \__.//___)
>            |==|
>            \__/

Hmm...I imagined someone more like this...

          / .. \
         (|  > |)
         __/  \__
        / /    \ \
       / /| , ,|\ \
      ( ( |    | ) )
       \ \|    |/ /
        \\|  . |//
         W|    |W
         | |  | |
         |  ||  |
          | || |
          ( )( )
          | || |
          | || |

Colin Douthwaite


More -cfbd- ASCII Art and Tweaks
cfbd tribute
contributed by Veronica Karlsson -- ASCII Artist Extraordinaire

Read some humorous/interesting posts re:ASCII Art at:
http://www.surfplaza.com/ascii-art/cfbd/ (a-a-a posts)

Please contact me if you come across more of Colin's work
that ought to be included on these pages.


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