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Welcome To Eastern Canada

The People on this page are from the Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia Provinces

Persephone, Nuihc, Robski, Boomer, Tryste, Logan, Brute




Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

"Hmm...I guess I would be less than honest if I didn't identify myself as a polite cyberflirt."

First Came To Masq:  December 1995


Kitchener/Waterloo has a population of approximately 250,000 and is located in an area of Ontario known as the "Golden Horseshoe". Located about 40 minutes SW of Toronto we are rolling Mennonite farm lands juxtaposed with a contemporary cityscape. A strong German flavour runs through my town and ever year thousands of visitors arrive for the largest Oktoberfest celebration in North America complete with beer, schnitzel and sauerkraut and more renditions of "Roll out the Barrel" than you ever thought possible... *S*

Check out: KW On The Net

The two cites are indistinguishable from each other and Waterloo boasts 2 Universities. The University of Waterloo, known for it's Engineering and Computer Science programs and Wilfred Laurier University known for it's parties. Waterloo is often referred to as Silicon Valley North due to it's number of Computer Software companies and development in this area. (The free coop students from the university doesn't hurt either).

----- Persephone






Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

First Came To Masq:  March 1996

Friendly...fun, and loves e-mail.





Ottawa... National Capital of Canada.

Otherwise known as 'sucking-central' since we have all the politicians here. We are home to the world's longest outdoor skating rink. "The Rideau Canal" And also known as silicon north, due to the booming high-tech industry. We have snow approx. 364 days a year, 'cept for Christmas. Just kidding *lol* --- Nuihc



Robski's got No Icon


Stratford, Ontario, Canada

First Came To Masq:  November 1995




Toronto, Ontario, Canada

First Came To Masq:  February 1996





Kingston, Ontario, Canada

First Came To Masq:  November 1996









Brampton Ontario Canada

First Came To Masq:  June 1996





Brute or Brute Force

Toronto Ontario Canada

First Came To Masq:  June 1996






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