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(*according to Nancy*)

One fine net day quite a few years back, a little female character called Maiden Maggie was cruising around the web on the hunt for a pretty hot male number she had come into contact with over in a chat called Kajplait 403. She was searching high and low for the big lump and in her many searches of chat sites she came across a site called International Conference Services (better known as ICS to all the regulars).

Well, Maiden Maggie being the persistent lil cyberwoman that she was went through all the rooms she suspected this elusive man would be in. She even changed her name on the off chance that her quarry was hiding from her. Thus it came to pass that "Naughty Nancy" came unto the land of masq.

* * * * ***I remember it well. It was quaint room with an interesting crowd. A few of the saner people were over by the dance floor playing olive golf. A few more in the hot tub and pool table area. Still others sitting quietly by the roaring fire in the hearth that was surrounded by a few couches and love seats with the bear rug on the floor. A friendly crowd to say the least. I walked in and was immediately greeted by the room-matriarch at the time, Mona.

She introduced me to some of the features available to me, all of which did not contain the tin wonder I was looking for until she got to her explanation of the fully stocked bar. Lo and behold!!!! There was a metal clad male at the bar. I sat for a few minutes to assess the situation. Masq (short for Masquerade) was truly a room of intrigue and anonymity at that time. It was still in the stage that it's creature (or is that creator), Smat had intended it to be.

It was a Masquerade. IP's were not displayed. Only names and pictures. One could be a face in the crowd and no one would know who you were. After my initial assessment of the situation at the bar, and still operating on the assumption that the bonehead was trying to avoid me - I approached! It was my objective to get his full attention. What I didn't intend was to get the full attention of his female companion.

Yes! I admit it! I came on hot and heavy on this Apollo character by hoping up on the bar in front of him (that's when it started) and putting in an entry something to the effect of: ~crossing her legs, letting him hear the hiss of satin garters on silk, she leaned forward slowly, captivating him with her deep blue eyes. Giving him full view of all the temptations and possibilities in her power, her lips stopped inches from his. Her breath a feather sweet teasing, her tongue flicks out to give a sheen of welcome.

"Pardon me, kind knight. I've been searching the cyberworld over for a very special man. Would you be him?" It was that that I discovered I had stepped between a long lasting cybercouple!!! Thus I received my first experience in 'flaming', given a lesson by the masterful Miss U. * * * *

That was my first experience in Masq. What can I say? I was once told that I was the type of person that was not one someone would take much notice of if I walked into a room. Ahem! I think I proved that wrong. After this time I became a regular. It was an interesting assortment of people. And until a series of incidents (and individuals) that caused Smat to reconstruct the room so that IP's would be displayed, Masq had been in its original form.

You see, dear people, up until that transformation there was no blocker function and some of the regulars were just not satisfied with the explanations of others that if they did not like the behavior of some, to just 'bloke' them. And with just cause. If a newbee had come in and seen some of the drivel and stupidity some characters were exercising, they would have left and never returned. I am of the belief that many did. As with most chatrooms in the course of their lifetimes, a power struggle ensued. Some people left, never to return. Others, like myself stayed on to visit and chat with those that also remained and to those that have now made Masq their cyber home.

It's been a long and interesting history with lots of colourful characters. Every six months the atmosphere of the room changes. New people arrive. Others leave for various reasons. Of these people I can call some enemy, proudly call some aquaintance or friend, or in the case of one - I can call that person my very best friend. All in all, in the years that I have been coming to Masq, I know of some constants.

*If its boring now, wait for a bit and it'll soon liven up! *Characters may come and go, but the room will always be there. (I hope) *It is still the friendliest room I have ever come to chat with! BAR NONE!

Thus ends the story......or does it?



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