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Welcome To The North East U.S.

Lighthouses, Skiing, Martha's Vineyard, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, The Kennedy's and Cheers are all familiar terms to these folks!

The people on this page are from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island

Chameleon, Mistress Reba, HG "Handsome Guy", Rob "Squirrel Power" , Witch




My State Is:.. under a very nice rock in the North Eastern USA

First Came To Masq:  September 1995


As like his handle, he blends very easily within the shadows.... maybe you'll be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of cham one of these days..... *G*





Mistress Reba

Mistress Reba


First Came To Masq:  December 1995

You will have to ask her, just what NOT to wear before going to an amusement park!







HG "Handsome Guy"


First Came To Masq:  August 1995





ROB "Squirrel Power"


First Came To Masq:  November 1995

"Yes, we have to remember to keep the squirrels fed in order to keep the electricity on!"


WitchWitch a.k.a. Atlas


First Came To Masq:  December 1997

I  am the Woman your Mother warned you about..*vewg*




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This Page Last Updated: 10/28/98
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