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Welcome To The Sunny Southeast

Mickey Mouse, Peaches, Grace Land, The Grand 'OLE Opry, Hurricanes, Palm Trees and The Mighty Mississippi is what these people know.

  The people on this page are from Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina and North Carolina  

Ghost, Gin, White Goddess, Claudia in TN, Kitty-Kitty, innocence, Gebann Tethra



Northeast Florida

First Came To Masq:  January 1996



"I like Florida because I don't really have to put up with the cold weather like I did when I was a kid. I have lived in both the North and the South as well as the Mid-West and in California. I live in Florida because I was stationed here before I retired from the Navy, and since I purchased a house I never left.

I coach the little league teams because I love working with kids and helping them learn new skills and see the look on their faces when they do something better than someone else, that is a look that will warm anyone's heart. If time is available, I watch College football, usually the Georgia Bulldogs, on Saturday and The Miami Dolphins or Jacksonville Jaguars." 







First Came To Masq:  January 1997




White Goddess

White Goddess

Birmingham, Alabama

First Came To Masq:  April 1997

"A true southern belle"

"I am a true friend who will listen to any problems anyone has. I love the masq. It is my second family. I am Xanton's wife and good friend to many. I love to have fun."





Claudia In TN

Claudia In TN

Knoxville, Tennessee

First Came To Masq:  November 1995







I'm wild, crazy,perverted at times, caring, loving, resident pagan #1 (since there are a few others!) Sun Sign Taurus but acts like a Gemini, engaged to a great guy, I was born May 9, 1978 (do the math) , am female, has a lot of great life interests - photography, modeling, psychologist, fashion designer, nail technician, massage therapist, etc!(whew! all of the above indicates a possible career goal!) People friendly, a bit shy, really outgoing, loves life &has a zest for it,loves to read interesting and really fucked up novels by Anne Rice - Such as THE WITCHING HOUR which I am currently reading, also greatly interested in any type of religious philosophy books - Taoism, Buddhism,Hinduism, Sihkism, that sort of thing. Loves Eeyore from Winnie the pooh and ONLY Eeyore, Lingerie freak, Frederick's of hollywood fan, loves to travel to different places, I can't decide on a haircolor, loves family things as long as they're not dysfunctional - just your basic egnimatic personality, loves to learn foreign languages, smokes and drinks occasionally, have asthma, fiancée' is one of the dearest people to me -second to my best friend of almost 15 years, loves animals, greatly interested in astrology, wants to return to living by and off of the earth (think ancient cultures in the area of the untied kingdom), loves Sean Connery and Mel Gibson, loves kilts and British Accents, Music lover extraordinaire, I'm Kinda weird if you ask me. -----Claudia In TN




Kitty-KittyKitty Kitty

Birmingham, Alabama

First Came To Masq:  December 1996

The Masqueraders are some of the friendliest people I know.....Love ya'll






Valdese, North Carolina

Hompage Dedicated To Me





Gebann TethraGebann Tethra

Birmingham, Alabama

First Came To Masq:  December 1996


"Is it really progress if a canibal learns to use a fork?"





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